Vatholian asks, "You know anything about that army out there Nychta?"
Liye hugs Miakoda.
Leanna leans against the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Miakoda hugs Liye.
Liye says, "Thank the gods your alive"
Cervesus says, "maybe they just stopped fer a rest"
Miakoda giggles at Liye.
Miakoda says, "Just barely."
Liye says, "But still..stoping on foreign land with an army of that size"
Asantewaa came through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it followed by Alessandra.
Miakoda grins.
Stazi says, "I blew up a few critters and the guards didn't react"
Nychta says, "Not a lot. It's some warlord encampment. Not very professional."
Asantewaa disbands her group.
Liye says, "It requires treaties and the like"
Vatholian asks, "That settles that, you know why they're here?"
Liye says, "See"
Cervesus says, "I figger warlord or mercenaries"
Liye says, "Warlord"
Liye nods.
Cervesus nods to Nychta.
Stazi asks, "so there is a potential fight to come eh?"
Asantewaa asks, "Anyone knowin' why camp dere?"
Asantewaa gazes around at her surroundings.
Liye asks, "There's a nice stream?"
Nychta looks at Stazi and shrugs.
Liye says, "Always camp near fresh water"
Liye says, "Sheesh"
Miakoda asks, "There is a warlord's camp near here?"
Nychta says, "Maybe, but they're not a big threat to you from what I can see."
Asantewaa nods to Miakoda.
Liye says, "Can tell you people aren't warriors"
Cervesus says, "up the road a ways, just past the temple"
Miakoda says, "Great. We don't have enough fights around town as it is."
Cervesus nods to Miakoda.
Miakoda sighs.
Calestoa says, "Vesus and I saw it the other night"
Vatholian says, "Lets not try to start an unnecessary battle then, I prefer not to make Athens any more
of a warzone."
A loud crash comes from inside the bar.
Miakoda asks, "What warlord is it?"
Alteena says, "I hope there isn't another battle... many died... such a waste"
A cloaked figure rushes out of the bar and launches himself through the gate at a sprint.
Liye says, "Ah crap"
Asantewaa says, "Sante and Ales just go check it out, yous no can get in, guard stop yous."
Calestoa went into a brightly painted bar.
Stazi says, "ummmm"
Leanna blinks.
Alteena stands up.
Liye says, "Stevius"
Liye nods to Leanna.
Alteena went into a brightly painted bar.
Leanna went into a brightly painted bar.
Cervesus asks, "eh?"
Nychta says, "There aren't that many men. They won't dare invade, they'd get their tails handed to them."
Deryni blinks.
Vatholian says, "Well there's your cloaked figure, not Stevius"
Attucus says, "Hmm."
Cervesus peers into a brightly painted bar.
Miakoda asks, "Who was that?"
Vatholian says, "We don't know."
Liye asks, "How'd ya know it's not stevius?"
Nychta went through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Liye says, "You couldn't see him"
You hear Calestoa yell, "SID"
Stazi says, "GREAT"
Nychta came through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Nychta went into a brightly painted bar.
Attucus says, "I'd bet that that figure and the camp outside have something in common."
Pirate Vatholian went into a brightly painted bar.
Miakoda went into a brightly painted bar.
Liye sighs.
Liye stands up.
Also here: Miakoda, Pirate Vatholian, Nychta, Leanna, Alteena and Calestoa.
Bladeswoman Liye just arrived.
Sid groans.
Stazi just arrived.
Nychta blinks at Sid.
Calestoa asks, "What happened?"
Asantewaa just arrived.
Nychta asks, "You ok, Sid?"
Liye says, "Oh what the hades happened now"
Miakoda asks, "You ok Sid?"
Calestoa glances at Sid.
Miakoda peers quizzically at Sid.
Leanna asks, "Did he get hit?"
Percussionist Deryni just arrived.
Vatholian says, "He's still alive."
Calestoa says, "I don't know"
Alteena smiles and rubs Sid gently.
Calestoa asks, "Sid?"
Sid mutters incoherently.
Deryni peers quizzically at Vatholian.
Miakoda asks, "Sid, who was it that just ran out of here?"
Nychta asks, "What?"
Bladeswoman Lytaria just arrived.
Leanna says, "Be careful about touching him. He might take a bite."
Leanna mumbles something under her breath.
Sid says, "En..."
Guard Attucus just arrived.
Sid says, "I..."
Miakoda asks, "Enanskios?"
Liye says, "See"
Miakoda peers quizzically at Sid.
Liye says, "Stevius"
Liye nods.
Calestoa growls.
Vatholian says, "Shush."
Calestoa says, "He's a dead man"
Sid says, "... not sure."
Nychta asks, "Did he hit you?"
Vatholian says, "He did not say Enanskios."
Calestoa nods to Vatholian.
Leanna asks, "Uhm. Eni?"
Leanna says, "That doesn't sound like Enan to me."
Miakoda asks, "No, he didn't, but what other En names do we know?"
Stazi asks, "let me guess huge invasion about to happen to us?"
Cervesus asks, "it'uz that tattooed fella run out, eh?"
Liye says, "It could be someone new"
Liye says, "Ya never know"
Liye says, "Don't know everyone in the world ya know"
Bladeswoman Liye just went out.
Calestoa asks, "Sid, did you see who hit you?"
Leanna asks, "But Enanskios doesn't have that tattoo, does he?"
Vatholian asks, "Did you notice a tattoo of a spartan standard Sid?"
Leanna gazes at Sid.
Sid rises slowly to his elbows.
Nychta asks, "You going to be all right?"
Nychta peers quizzically at Sid.
Deryni asks, "Need somethin to drink?"
Deryni grins at Sid.
Sid rubs gingerly at his head.
Miakoda asks, "Don't drink the oliveaide. Oh wait, you already know that, don't ya?"
Leanna asks, "Why would he hit him?"
Miakoda grins at Sid.
Calestoa peers out.
Sid says, "I'll be fine."
Cervesus shrugs.
Leanna says, "That doesn't make any sense."
Leanna peers out.
Deryni nods.
Nychta asks, "Well, why would he try to throttle him?"
Calestoa asks, "who hit you Sid?"
Nychta sighs.
Sid blinks.
Leanna asks, "That just means he's tried twice to 'kill him' without suceeding. Does Enanskios seem the
type to fail twice?"
Bladeswoman Liye just arrived.
Liye says, "Dang my nosey temperament"
Calestoa says, "Enanskios is an idiot"
Sid says, "He wanted information."
Lytaria asks, "of what tye?"
Calestoa asks, "what kind of information?"
Alteena asks, "What information?"
Sid says, "Information I didn't have."
Lytaria says, "type"
Sid says, "About..."
Nychta peers quizzically at Sid.
Sid points at Nychta.
Lytaria tilts her head to the side.
Sid says, "Her."
Nychta asks, "About me?"
Cervesus says, "ah, maybe yer bait's worked at last"
Nychta says, "I'll give him some information....."
Alteena says, "Thats... bad"
Calestoa says, "not alone"
Nychta punches her hand.
Calestoa gazes at Nychta.
Sid says, "I didn't say nothing."
Lytaria says, "that could be the man you've been looking for"
Leanna says, "So it was Enanskios? "
Lytaria nods to Nychta.
Leanna leans against an autographed counter.
Nychta says, "Thanks, Sid."
Sid says, "It sounded like him."
Leanna says, "Did anyone catch a glance at the guy who ran out? "
Lytaria shakes her head.
Sid says, "I can't be sure. That accent."
Nychta says, "Ok, he went out the gate. Three guesses where he went."
Leanna says, "I want to know if the guy who ran out is really the guy with the tattoo.."
Calestoa says, "back to his hole"
Leanna says, "Or if it was a bait and switch."
Stazi just went out. >Nychta says, "That would be my guess."
Calestoa nods to Nychta.
Sid says, "I didn't see no tattoo."
Nychta says, "Only one way to find out."
Leanna says, "That we're used to the cloak guy being the tattoo guy.. and this time, it wasn't."
Liye takes a gold wedding invitation with silver trim from a silver invitation sack.
Liye offers Miakoda a gold wedding invitation with silver trim.
Leanna gazes at Sid.
Miakoda accepts Liye's wedding invitation.
Leanna nods.
Miakoda beams at Liye!
Miakoda nods to Liye.
Miakoda puts a gold wedding invitation with silver trim in a large grain harvest haversack.
Calestoa removes a gilded steel longsword with a double dragon hilt from her weapon harness.
Calestoa removes a gleaming razor-edged steel sword embedded with a black diamond from her weapon harness.
The Sid sits down.
Calestoa says, "I'm going with you"
Vatholian says, "Why would Enanskios want to know things about Nychta though? He already seems to know a
great deal."
Calestoa nods to Nychta.
Alteena asks, "What question was asked?"
A rabid squirrel crawls up to Deryni's face, snuggling up to it affectionately.
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Sid grunts.
Sid stands up.
Miakoda joins Nychta's group.
Leanna says, "By all accounts, this doesn't make sense at all."
Leanna asks, "Why not just kill him?"
Calestoa joins Nychta's group.
Leanna says, "Why just hit him on the head? "
Calestoa says, "He's a dead man now"
Leanna says, "If he isn't of use, he isn't of use."
Nychta says, "Well, I'll ask him when I find him."
Sid says, "Person seemed irritable."
Vatholian asks, "What if he didn't want to kill?"
Miakoda just went out. >Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Nychta says, "Irritable and Enanskios are synonymous."
Sid says, "But I have friends too... Maybe killing me ain't such a smart move."
Dreamspeaker Demitria just arrived.
Vatholian asks, "And how many people has Enanskios outrightly killed?"
Nychta says, "Who knows."
Leanna asks, "Really? Friends you made in that salt mine, huh?"
Leanna glances at Sid.
Bladeswoman Liye just went out.
Nychta looks at Vatholian and shrugs.
Cervesus nods to Demitria.
Demitria hugs Cervesus.
Dreamspeaker Demitria just went out.
Calestoa puts a gleaming razor-edged steel sword embedded with a black diamond in a steel-riveted black
leather weapon harness.
Calestoa puts a gilded steel longsword with a double dragon hilt in a steel-riveted black leather weapon
Calestoa just went out.
Sid says, "Friends are friends."
Deryni peers out.
Nychta says, "Ok, we're loosing time chatting here."
Nychta just went out.
Ruffling its feathers, a resplendent green parrot sings a few twittering notes on Asantewaa's shoulder before
falling silent.
Alteena looks thoughtfully at Sid.
Asantewaa just went out.
Also here: Asantewaa, Nychta, Calestoa, Stazi, Miakoda and Gadgeteer Arkturus.
Miakoda puts a golden writing case in a saddlebag.
Arkturus tilts his head toward Nychta.
Miakoda gently pets her mule.
Arkturus tilts his head toward you.
Miakoda slaps her mule on the rump, sending it off to safety.
Miakoda nods to Calestoa.
Cervesus nods to Arkturus.
Pilgrim Keitau just arrived followed by Tedra.
Pilgrim Keitau just went east followed by Tedra.
Arkturus says, "I hear there are doings a transpiring..."
Arlene came through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Nychta nods to Arkturus.
Cervesus says, "seems like it"
Miakoda hugs Arlene.
Asantewaa hugs Arlene.
Arlene hugs Miakoda.
Arlene hugs Asantewaa.
Arlene just went north.
Arkturus says, "Something about Sid getting whapped or some nonsense like that."
Arkturus removes his polished silver tankard.
Cervesus says, "so 'e's askin' Sid questions, then knocks 'im over the head, an' runs out the gate
. . ."
Arlene just arrived.
Calestoa's entire body tenses as she clenches her fist.
Miakoda asks, "So....what is the plan?"
Arlene went through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Cervesus ponders.
Miakoda peers quizzically at Nychta.
Arkturus attaches a gem-encrusted polished silver tankard to his scaled belt.
Nychta says, "Someone just bonked Sid over the head and a man in a cloak so we couldn't see his features
ran out. He had a tattoo though."
Alteena just arrived.
Cervesus says, "don't seem like 'e accomplished much"
Arkturus says, "... What an odd thing to do."
Nychta says, "Well, I'm thinking to head down to Enanskios' hidey hole."
Arlene came through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it. >Calestoa hugs Alteena.
Stazi says, "ah well I guess Athens will get attacked again"
Alteena hugs Calestoa.
Miakoda joins Nychta's group.
Arlene just went north.
Alteena joins Nychta's group.
Nychta says, "And see if I can smoke the pole-cat out."
Alteena asks, "He has a hole?"
Cervesus says, "worth a look"
Nychta nods to Alteena.
Cervesus joins Nychta's group.
Calestoa joins Nychta's group.
Leanna just arrived.
Leanna just left.
Leanna just arrived.
Stazi joins Nychta's group.
Asantewaa joins Nychta's group.
Arkturus joins Nychta's group.
Arkturus shrugs.
Arkturus says, "I'm in"
Leanna joins Nychta's group.
Arkturus exclaims, "No one messes with Sid and gets away with it. I need him for beer!"
Nychta asks, "Wonder if anyone else is coming?"
Nychta shrugs.
Calestoa says, "We have enough to take him"
Arkturus yells, "Last call for the Nychta Express to Enanskios' Hidey-Hole"
Calestoa growls.
Percussionist Deryni just arrived.
Pirate Vatholian just arrived.
Deryni kisses Vatholian on the lips.
Alteena twitches slightly.
Vatholian gives Deryni a lingering kiss.
Alteena fidgets nervously.
Miakoda hugs Vatholian.
Vatholian says, "Make sure they know to hide if there is any fighting"
Stazi ponders.
Miakoda says, "Hey Vath."
Asantewaa leans on Alteena.
Deryni nods.
Alteena hugs Asantewaa.
Deryni waves.
Deryni just gracefully cantered east.
Vatholian hugs Miakoda.
Asantewaa hugs Alteena.
Alteena shows Asantewaa her maple cyclops.
Arkturus bends down and pushes his gauntleted fist along the ground.
Arkturus's bear-head gauntlet digs its mouth into the ground and pulls his arm along as it chomps through
the rocky earth.
Arkturus bends down and pushes his gauntleted fist along the ground.
Arkturus's eagle-shaped gauntlet digs its mouth into the ground and pulls his arm along as it chomps through
the rocky earth.
Vatholian says, "You won't find him in a large group."
Asantewaa says, "Nice."
Calestoa says, "I can smell him"
Stazi removes a chickory root draught from his fur sack.
Calestoa says, "oh that's me"
Calestoa chuckles.
Stazi takes a drink from his chickory root draught.
He rocks forward eagerly, a bright look in his eyes.
Vatholian says, "What a pointless endeavor."
Stazi puts a chickory root draught in a large maroon fur sack.
Pilgrim Keitau just arrived followed by Tedra.
Tedra smiles.
Stazi removes a steel-water potion from his fur sack.
Stazi takes a drink from his steel-water potion. His skin shimmers and begins
to gleam like steel.
Arkturus nods to Cervesus.
Stazi puts a steel-water potion in a large maroon fur sack. >Calestoa asks, "Stazi you an alchemist?"
Arkturus glances at something inside a long black wool button-down overcoat.
Nychta asks, "Ready?"
Arkturus glances at something inside a long black wool button-down overcoat.
Tedra says, "yeah STazi is"
Asantewaa nods to Nychta.
Asantewaa removes an indigo maple light crossbow from her riding cloak.
Stazi says, "I changed jobs aye"
Leanna says, "We're losing daylight."
Calestoa nods to Nychta.
Cervesus says, "as we're likely to get"
Arkturus removes his tourmaline scarab.
Cervesus nods to Nychta.
Leanna gazes up at the sky.
Calestoa grins at Stazi.
Stazi removes his jade scarab.
Arkturus puts on his tourmaline scarab.
Stazi puts on his jade scarab.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Arkturus adjusts the fit of his gauntlet.
Tedra asks, "what's up?"
Tedra hugs Keitau.
Tedra nods to Keitau.
Calestoa says, "we're gonna pick a fight"
Keitau hugs Tedra.
Stazi says, "going hunting "
Calestoa nods to Tedra.
Keitau waves.
Keitau disbands his group.
Holy Xxenos came through the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Holy Xxenos just went east.
Keitau peers east.
Leanna says, "No, we're going to go have a chat."
Tedra asks, "can I go?"
Nychta says, "Not sure if I'd call it that."
Leanna says, "We don't -know- he did it."
Tedra says, "oh"
Nychta nods to Leanna.
Calestoa grins at Nychta.
Miakoda removes a blood red agate scarab from her doeskin sack.
Leanna says, "Just that Sid said it sounded like him."
Nychta says, "Just going to investigate."
Miakoda puts a blood red agate scarab in a large golden doeskin sack.
Tedra asks, "can I go?"
Tedra grins. >Miakoda removes a pure white tourmaline scarab from her doeskin sack.
Nychta says, "Sure."
Asantewaa closes her eyes and gently rubs her orb pendant.
Asantewaa's hands begin to glow with mystic energy.
Leanna says, "But Sid's an old guy. I won't call him senile... even if he wants to eat people.."
Tedra removes a silver Mjollnir relic from her fur backpack.
Asantewaa gestures toward herself.
A white glow surrounds Asantewaa.
Nychta shrugs.
Tedra lightly touches her silver Mjollnir relic and invokes the name of Apollo.
Tedra's hands begin to glow with mystic energy.
Miakoda puts on her tourmaline scarab.
Keitau waves.
Pilgrim Keitau just went east.
Asantewaa removes a chickory root draught from her Titan-sized backpack.
Tedra gestures toward herself.
Tedra's eyes begin to glow with gold fire.
Asantewaa takes a drink from her chickory root draught. She rocks forward eagerly, a bright look in
her eyes.
Nychta holds hands with Tedra.
Leanna says, "But he might not be so great at recognizing voices anyway."
Tedra waves.
Asantewaa puts a chickory root draught in an almost Titan-sized backpack.
Tedra lightly touches her silver Mjollnir relic and invokes the name of Apollo.
Tedra's hands begin to glow with mystic energy.
Nychta asks, "Ready to head out?"
Tedra gestures toward herself.
Tedra's eyes begin to glow with gold fire.
Tedra puts a silver Mjollnir relic in a large golden fur backpack.
Calestoa says, "Let's go"
Stazi says, "ready"
Tedra asks, "who I join?"
Asantewaa nods to Nychta.
Tedra removes a doe-etched long stave bow from her fur backpack.
Guard Attucus just arrived.
Nychta says, "I grabbed you."
Tedra nods.
Leanna grins.
Vatholian joins Nychta's group.
Bladeswoman Lytaria just arrived.
Lytaria sits down.
Calestoa kisses Lytaria on the cheek.
Lytaria smiles at Calestoa.
Stazi says, "I think the crowd is ready"
Stazi chuckles. >Lytaria asks, "your head?"
Lytaria peers quizzically at Calestoa.
Calestoa says, "Much better, thank you"
Calestoa smiles at Lytaria.
Alteena offers Lytaria a maple cyclops.
Leanna says, "We wait any longer and he could have already moved to Ch'in."
Calestoa agrees with Leanna.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Leanna chuckles.
Lytaria accepts Alteena's maple cyclops.
Vatholian says, "I do hope we don't do anything rash, please don't attack outright for once."
Attucus sits down next to Lytaria.
Nychta says, "Ok, we're off."
Leanna says, "I highly suspect the only one that would have a chance of defeating him in a fight among is
Calestoa says, "cept that branding I got still smells"
Leanna says, "So any of us jumping is suicide."
Lytaria puts a maple cyclops in an almost Titan-sized backpack.
Attucus says, "Good luck."
Arlene just arrived.
TRAVELING - I'll put in the conversation, but not the room descriptions. Nychta seemed to get a bit
lost for a while and Cervesus kept trying to tell her which way to go, but she's stubborn. I left out any critter conflicts,
Also here: Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian and Nychta.
Vatholian glances at Leanna.
Vatholian says, "We aren't exactly known for smart actions."
Arlene just arrived.
Leanna grins at Vatholian.
Stazi chuckles.
Tedra exclaims, "A Hunting We Will Goooo!"
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Nychta says, "Sorry, wanted to check something out first...nothing there though."
Asantewaa grins at Tedra.
Calestoa says, "I smell him"
Tedra asks, "what's he smell like?"
Tedra blinks.
Tedra sniffs the air around her.
Arkturus says, "Really? All I smell's coyote."
Stazi chuckles.
Cervesus asks, "over the dust an' sweat?"
Calestoa says, "Death"
Cervesus chuckles.
Tedra says, "all I smell is my bath soap.."
Tedra says, "must be perception"
Tedra nods.
Stazi says, "I smell dead golems and blind toads from my last hunt"
Leanna says, "I don't think he smells like death."
Asantewaa roars at a coyote, scaring the dickens out of him!
Leanna says, "He normally just smells like dirt. Unless he took a bath recently."
Arkturus asks, "So, question: When we find Enanskios, do we kill him, or just rough him up a bit?"
Calestoa removes a gilded steel longsword with a double dragon hilt from her weapon harness.
Tedra says, "rough em up"
Tedra says, "you get more info that way"
Leanna says, "We don't do either."
Leanna says, "We don't have proof Enanskios did anything."
Nychta mutters something under her breath.
Leanna says, "We -talk- to him."
Arkturus says, "So? That's never stopped us before."
Arkturus says, "Kill first, ask questions later."
Leanna says, "We say, "Gee, Stevius, how are you? Been a while. Oh, by the way, did you just hit Sid?""
Nychta says, "Hm...I thought this was the right ravine."
Tedra says, "no say it's family reunion time"
Tedra grins.
Coyote and bandits attacked…and were quickly dispatched.
Leanna says, "Maybe he covered the entrance."
Arkturus spits at a coyote.
Leanna whistles skillfully to herself.
Tedra says, "yay"
Calestoa grins at Arkturus.
Nychta says, "No, probably wrong ravine."
Arkturus's bear-head gauntlet rumbles quietly as it emits the sound of stones being ground together.
Cervesus shakes his head.
Arkturus's bear-head gauntlet stops its grinding and clutters to a halt.
Cervesus points southwest.
Tedra blinks.
Stazi says, "poor stupid critters"
Stazi chuckles.
Arkturus chuckles.
Tedra says, "heh"
Tedra blinks.
Tedra says, "hey, we got an army here..."
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Vatholian says, "We have a reconaissance group, sheer attrition would get us if we went against an army."
Tedra says, "ok, but it sure looks like an army..."
Tedra blinks.
Tedra says, "nice parrot"
Asantewaa says, "Thanks."
Tedra nods.
Cervesus shakes his head.
Nychta says, "Ah, I'm just a bit lost...."
Tedra peers west.
Tedra peers north.
Cervesus says, "north"
Arkturus says, "Spiritually or physically"
Tedra says, "open glade"
Cervesus says, "then southeast when ya can"
Calestoa chuckles.
Calestoa says, "Glade, Fresh air"
Calestoa chuckles.
Tedra says, "this is pretty area"
Tedra nods to Calestoa.
Nychta says, "Yeah."
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Tedra asks, "tiny hole?"
Calestoa says, "I think we're close"
Cervesus nods.
Tedra says, "looks like someone trying to dig themselves outta here"
Cervesus says, "we war"
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Cervesus says, "are"
Tedra sniffs the air around her.
Arkturus glances at Miakoda.
Nychta peers west.
Vatholian removes a gold-rimmed dragon etched silver longsword from his trap sling.
Tedra asks, "what's cooking?"
Tedra sniffs the air around her.
Vatholian puts a gold-rimmed dragon etched silver longsword in a spiderwire mesh trap sling.
Cervesus says, "south"
Tedra says, "I like pork but chicken better"
Leanna says, "You'd think they'd get sick of it. But you know, some people can eat stuff day after day.."
Cervesus says, "south"
Calestoa says, "I've eaten bugs for a week"
Tedra blinks.
Tedra giggles at Calestoa.
Calestoa says, "ask Vesus"
Cervesus says, "south"
Nychta ponders.
Cervesus says, "twice"
Tedra asks, "chocolate covered crickets or ants?"
Stazi asks, "bugs?"
Tedra blinks at Calestoa.
Cervesus says, "south"
Leanna says, "You could have cooked some for a noble and convinced them it was a exotic food."
SEKRIT TRESUR PITE - I'm going to leave in the room descriptions for this part since it's a new area.
Tedra laughs! de the cave mouth has been gouged with a sharp pick, crude letters carved to read, "SEKRIT
TRESUR PITE". You also see an injured coyote and a dead malicious bandit. Also here: Miakoda, Alteena, Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa,
Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian and Nychta.
Obvious exits: east, northwest.
Calestoa says, "didn't have a fire"
Tedra says, "oh treasure pit"
Nychta says, "Here's where I heard that rumbling sound the other day."
Vatholian says, "I'd really have preferred it if we had left someone at the entrance so some smart villain
doesn't cause a cave in."
Tedra fans her face.
Cervesus ponders.
Nychta says, "Look around here."
Alteena searches around for a moment.
Asantewaa searches around for a moment.
Cervesus searches around for a moment.
Tedra exclaims, "secret treasure pit!"
Stazi searches around for a moment.
Leanna asks, "What's to stop said smart villain from killing said person at entrance and then causing said
cave in?"
Asantewaa searches around for a moment.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Tedra says, "I want treasure"
Vatholian removes an agate encrusted mochlos pickset from his dark backpack.
Arkturus peers east.
Vatholian puts an agate encrusted mochlos pickset in a dark backpack lined in shadow wolf fur.
Arkturus peers northwest.
Leanna peers east.
Cervesus asks, "calm down, eh?"
Arkturus searches around for a moment.
Vatholian puts a Britannian yew longbow in a large sack of golden supple leather.
Stazi searches around for a moment.
Cervesus peers quizzically at Tedra.
Tedra nods.
Vatholian removes a long-handled pickaxe with a curved bronze bit from his large sack.
Asantewaa searches around for a moment.
Tedra ducks her head.
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Calestoa searches around for a moment.
Calestoa says, "come out ya coward"
Tedra blinks.
Stazi says, "nothin I can see"
Arkturus says, "l"
Arkturus babbles incoherently.
Nychta peers closely at some crude letters.
Vatholian puts a long-handled pickaxe with a curved bronze bit in a large sack of golden supple leather.
Cervesus asks, "this where ya heard the grindin' noise?"
Cervesus peers quizzically at Nychta.
Vatholian pokes an egg.
Nychta nods to Cervesus.
Vatholian pokes some crude letters.
As Arkturus reaches up and touches the letter E you hear a rumbling sound to the east.
Arkturus peers east.
Nychta blinks at Arkturus.
Cervesus says, "hello"
You follow Nychta who just went east. [Hill Cave, Treasure Pit] The floor in this small cave has been dug
out to create a shallow pit. However, all it holds are scraps of garbage, soiled linens and animal carcasses, any bandit treasure
having been stolen long ago. The only exit is west, back out to the tunnel and outcropping. You also see an evil bandit and
an opening. Also here: Miakoda, Alteena, Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian
and Nychta. Obvious exits: west.
Arkturus exclaims, "Aha!"
Vatholian glances at an opening.
You follow Nychta who just went through an opening. [A Hideout] In one corner several dozen coyote skins
are piled. A few pieces of serviceable furniture lay about in no particular order. An upside-down crate serves as a table
and sports a few dishes, some parchment, a stylus and several candles. You also see a wooden lever, an opening in the wall
and some canvas sandbags. Also here: Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian
and Nychta. Obvious exits: east.
Tedra says, "yay"
Alteena gasps!
Tedra says, "oh"
Arkturus says, "Well lookie here."
Leanna asks, "How did you figure -that- out?"
Calestoa nudges some canvas sandbags with her foot.
Vatholian peers east.
As Alteena moves the lever the wall slides in, closing off the opening. Tedra says, "parchment"
Vatholian says, "Same trick in Midgard."
Arkturus nods to Vatholian.
Arkturus says, "Yup."
You follow Nychta who just went east. [Inside a tunnel] The walls and floor of the tunnel are solid grey
rock. What look to be pick-axe marks mar every surface giving evidence that this might have once been an old mine. Also here:
Miakoda, Alteena, Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian and Nychta. Obvious
exits: east, west.
Vatholian says, "My egg was in the way."
Nychta says, "Looked like quite the hidey-hole."
Arkturus peers west.
Arkturus peers east.
Calestoa says, "at least ya aint' layen em"
Calestoa grins at Vatholian.
Tedra says, "oh wish I bought my excavation tools"
Leanna removes a panther engraved silver longsword from her clasped backpack.
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Tedra drools.
Nychta says, "He would make it an E you had to mess with."
Stazi peers east.
Nychta says, "What an ego."
Cervesus nods.
Cervesus chuckles.
You follow Nychta who just went east. [Inside a tunnel] Piles of rock and rubble line the walls and stand
in piles on the floor. Rotted coils of rope and pieces of wood are scattered among the debris. Also here: Miakoda, Alteena,
Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate Vatholian and Nychta. Obvious exits: east, west.
Tedra giggles.
Leanna says, "Well, I doubt he did it, really."
Leanna says, "This looks like it was in use before."
Tedra says, "yeah a hideout"
Tedra nods.
Leanna says, "unless that opening is just new and the actual tunnel isn't.."
The ground begins to quake violently causing rocks and dust to fall down from the ceiling with ferocity!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "guess he's not here right now"
The rocks begin to pile up blocking the exits!
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
As the pile of rocks rises to the ceiling the light fades, eventually leaving you in total darkness!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "oh"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "That's not good" Someone coughs in the darkness.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Oh that was brilliant."
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "uh oh"
The room is just too dark to do much of anything!
Someone coughs in the darkness.
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Ummm...."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Oh great."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Great"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Oh bloody tartarus."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "ack"
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Knew this was going to happen."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "oh man"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Okay.. We can do this."
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "ummm"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "No one listens to me when I say cave in."
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "What the..."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice exclaims, "I hate being lost!"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Someone sniffles in the darkness.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Oh no..."
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Shrouded in darkness you hear a male voice ask, "be still, eh?"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Ok, this isn't good."
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Someone coughs in the darkness.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You cough and wheeze as dust invades your lungs.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Well done you bunch of meddling twots."
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice exclaims, "ack!"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Someone laughs in the darkness.
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Everyone stay perfectly still..."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "anyone got a candle?"
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
You hear something shuffling in the darkness.
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "I hear ya you coward"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "Who is that?"
You hear someone cough and wheeze from the dust in the air.
Enanskios gently lights his polished lantern with a turn of the knob on the side.
The light from Enanskios's polished lantern gently illuminates the area, lifting away the darkness.
Tedra exclaims, "ouch!"
Arkturus glances at Enanskios.
Arkturus jumps to his feet!
Leanna stands up.
Calestoa leaps behind Enanskios and engages him in combat!
[Inside a tunnel] Piles of rock and rubble line the walls and stand in piles on the floor. Rotted coils
of rope and pieces of wood are scattered among the debris. You also see a pile of large boulders and a pile of large rocks.
Also here: Miakoda who is lying down, Alteena, Calestoa, Stazi, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Leanna, Smith Tedra, Pirate
Vatholian, Nychta and Enanskios who is lying down. Obvious exits: none.
Leanna brushes at her forearm with the back of her hand.
Tedra rubs her forehead.
Enanskios says, "Yeah me."
Cervesus pulls Miakoda to her feet.
Calestoa says, "don't move"
Stazi exclaims, "don't!"
Nychta gazes around at her surroundings.
Enanskios glances at Calestoa.
Stazi gazes at Calestoa.
Arkturus's bear-head gauntlet rumbles quietly as it emits the sound of stones being ground together.
Leanna asks, "Well, isn't this cozy. We all get to die together?"
Calestoa says, "I'll cut your head off right here and now"
Leanna brushes at her forearm with the back of her hand.
Vatholian asks, "Didn't I say not to do something stupid?"
Calestoa says, "just gimme a reason"
A resplendent green parrot lifts its head and nuzzles Asantewaa's ear before warbling a heart-rending melody.
Enanskios sits down.
Leanna says, "Cal, cool it. We don't have proof he did anything."
Arkturus's bear-head gauntlet stops its grinding and clutters to a halt.
Tedra says, "Hello, Mr. Enanskios"
Tedra asks, "what you doing on the ground?"
Tedra blinks.
Tedra coughs.
Calestoa tilts her steel longsword a little to the side.
Alteena asks, "Wait a second... he did light the room for us... does that make him bad?"
Enanskios asks, "Who hit the beam?"
Arkturus tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Tedra says, "I hit my forehead"
Tedra rubs her forehead.
Enanskios asks, "And who bloody well invited you here?"
Arkturus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Enanskios stands up.
(Calestoa places her longsword under Enanskios's chin.)
Arkturus grumbles.
Leanna puts a panther engraved silver longsword in a black backpack clasped with a tiny intricate panther
Alteena coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Arkturus says, "Well... this could be a problem."
Nychta coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Tedra asks, "we need invitations?"
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Asantewaa leans on her crossbow.
Asantewaa coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Arkturus gazes at a pile of large boulders.
Arkturus gazes at a pile of large rocks.
Tedra blinks.
Enanskios glares at Calestoa.
Stazi coughs one last time to clear his lungs as he finally breathes in some fresh air.
Enanskios asks, "Death wish?"
Leanna asks, "You guys do realize that bickering uses precious air, right?"
Calestoa glares at Enanskios.
Nychta says, "Well, next time I'll just send my servant to request an audience."
Vatholian coughs one last time to clear his lungs as he finally breathes in some fresh air.
Alteena tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Stazi says, "ummm"
Enanskios glances at Nychta.
Tedra blinks at Alteena.
Enanskios says, "Might be an idea pet."
Calestoa coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus coughs one last time to clear his lungs as he finally breathes in some fresh air.
Nychta says, "Some finger sandwiches would be nice."
Asantewaa tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Calestoa exclaims, "Silence!"
Nychta rolls her eyes.
Tedra coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Tedra sighs.
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta peers quizzically at Leanna.
Leanna coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Enanskios coughs one last time to clear his lungs as he finally breathes in some fresh air.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "too many rocks"
Calestoa gazes at Nychta.
Tedra pouts.
Nychta says, "Looks like she's got the idea."
Tedra coughs.
Enanskios raises his polished lantern to illuminate the area more effectively.
Leanna says, "Wait."
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Miakoda coughs one last time to clear her lungs as she finally breathes in some fresh air.
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna says, "Enanskios, you know this area better than us."
Leanna glances at Enanskios.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa does several artful backflips and disengages from combat!
Leanna asks, "If you had to guess, which would you say was the way out?"
Leanna points at a pile of large boulders.
Leanna asks, "That way?"
Cervesus says, "might as well chat while we work"
Tedra says, "we all push rocks"
Leanna says, "Or.."
Leanna pouts at a pile of large rocks.
Leanna asks, "That way?"
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra says, "we all push rocks"
Alteena tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Enanskios says, "I would say the boulders."
Alteena says, "I cant push the boulders... I am too weak"
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Enanskios asks, "You going to move them?"
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna says, "Won't help us if we move the one side and then just end up deeper in."
Calestoa tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Tedra tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Asantewaa looks suddenly focused and alert! You watch in awe as her muscles twitch and ripple, filling out
her leather pants with tightly knit bulging muscles!
Vatholian tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Miakoda tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Tedra says, "too heavy"
Stazi tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra grunts.
Asantewaa tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Cervesus says, "in that case, I'd say move the rocks"
Nychta says, "Boulders aren't moving."
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian glances at a pile of large boulders.
Calestoa says, "keep working the rocks"
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside burns steadily.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus says, "If we could get some sort of leverage, we could probably move the boulder."
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra says, "wait"
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "I got brown powder"
Leanna asks, "What, anyone happen to be carrying their pickaxe?"
Enanskios leans against the wall.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra grins.
Vatholian exclaims, "No!"
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian says, "No explosions"
Tedra giggles.
Cervesus asks, "meanwhile, maybe ya can tell us who clobbered Sid, eh?"
Stazi says, "no booms"
Tedra ducks her head.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Stazi shudders.
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna says, "You. You were the one who's all "Manual labor is a good man's work" or whatever. You could
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian removes a long-handled pickaxe with a curved bronze bit from his large sack.
Arkturus glances at a pile of debris.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra squints at Enanskios.
Enanskios says, "You buggers got us into this mess, you get me out."
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "he is laughing at us"
Nychta asks, "You've got muscles, how about using them?"
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra points at Enanskios.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "he knows the way out"
Calestoa says, "Get to work"
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Calestoa glares at Enanskios.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna says, "Ugh. Fine. Next time someone comes up with a plan to kill you -before- talking to you, I'm
not going to argue it"
Leanna mutters something under her breath.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus says, "Moving these rocks isn't going to get us anywhere."
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus says, "ya know, I din't see any of us hit no beam - I reckon it coulda just as well been you"
Tedra sighs.
Tedra coughs.
Cervesus nods to Enanskios.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian says, "You know, if the rocks lead to a dead end, it's kinda pointless."
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra asks, "yeah what beam?"
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna asks, "Should we come up with a song?"
Tedra coughs.
Tedra laughs!
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra tickles Leanna.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna glances at a rickety beam.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta says, "Well, I'm not just going to stand there if it's possible to move them away."
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus glances at a rickety beam.
Vatholian puts a long-handled pickaxe with a curved bronze bit in a large sack of golden supple leather.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Enanskios says, "Oh a song would be just jolly."
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus searches around for a moment.
Cervesus moves few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi mutters this is a mess
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "we need someone from outside"
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus says, "If we can get this beam under the boulder, we can pry it out of the way"
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "to do something"
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa puts an indigo maple light crossbow in a white silk hooded riding cloak embroidered with a black
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian kicks a pile of large boulders and scuffs his hoof!
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Enanskios says, "Besides I need to hold the lantern."
Tedra laughs!
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra says, "you can set it down on the ground"
Nychta mutters something under her breath.
Enanskios abruptly swings his polished lantern around to look behind himself.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra grins at Enanskios.
Asantewaa squints at Enanskios.
Alteena searches around for a moment.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna mutters so tempting to just toss these rocks at him, isn't it?
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa says, "Lazy arse."
Calestoa says, "you useless bag of mule dung"
Asantewaa nods to Enanskios.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus exclaims, "Stop with the rocks, it's not helping!"
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Vatholian removes an excavating sack from his large sack.
Vatholian removes a sturdy oak-handled shovel with an iron face from his excavating sack.
Enanskios says, "Whaa whaa whaa."
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi says, "okies stoppin"
Enanskios says, "Keep working ladies."
Arkturus mutters something under his breath.
Stazi pants.
Vatholian puts an excavating sack in a spiderwire mesh trap sling.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa slaps Enanskios up'side the head!
Calestoa leaps behind Enanskios and engages him in combat!
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi mutters something under his breath.
Calestoa asks, "who ya callen a lady?"
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Arkturus glances at a rickety beam.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Leanna says, "Guys! Behave! I REFUSE to be trapped in a small area with a corpse. That's just creepy."
Tedra tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Cervesus shakes his head.
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside burns steadily.
Tedra pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Nychta says, "Take out the fighting on the rocks."
Tedra pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Enanskios chuckles at Leanna.
Tedra pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus says, "Someone help me get at this beam."
Vatholian says, "It'd start to smell real quick"
Calestoa grumbles.
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa does several artful backflips and disengages from combat!
Vatholian puts a sturdy oak-handled shovel with an iron face in a spiderwire mesh trap sling.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra sits down next to a pile of large boulders.
Leanna nods to Vatholian.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra stands up.
Leanna says, "Precisely."
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Calestoa puts a gilded steel longsword with a double dragon hilt in a steel-riveted black leather weapon
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Cervesus says, "can't get a grip on it, Ark"
Arkturus looks over at Cervesus and shakes his head.
Alteena pants.
Calestoa pulls at a pile of large boulders.
Arkturus says, "I can't reach it"
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Tedra says, "it's too high up"
Leanna moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort seems
Arkturus nods to Tedra.
Tedra says, "I can't climb it"
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several hundred rocks to go. The effort
seems futile.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Asantewaa leans against a pile of large boulders.
Asantewaa moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Enanskios moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Cervesus moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Tedra moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Tedra moves the last of the rocks out of the way, opening the tunnel for escape!
Nychta says, "We're getting somewhere."
Miakoda moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Nychta moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still dozens of rocks to go.
Leanna asks, "And could you just.... stop being -you- for about ten minutes so they'll focus on moving rocks
instead of figuring out ways to kill you?"
Asantewaa tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Alteena nods to Nychta.
Tedra gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Leanna glances at Enanskios and releases an exasperated sigh.
Nychta says, "The pile is smaller."
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Leanna turns a bright green rock with a smooth finish.
Stazi moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still several rocks to go.
Alteena moves a few rocks out of the way, but there are still a few rocks to go.
Leanna pushes at a bright green rock with a smooth finish.
Cervesus says, "well, the gods must be smilin'"
Alteena says, "Rocks are moved"
Tedra smiles.
Vatholian joins Nychta's group.
Tedra says, "yeah"
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Enanskios says, "I did that."
[Inside a tunnel] Piles of rock and rubble line the walls and stand in piles on the floor. Rotted coils
of rope and pieces of wood are scattered among the debris. You also see a pile of large boulders. Also here: Miakoda, Calestoa,
Stazi, Asantewaa, Leanna, Pirate Vatholian, Nychta, Alteena, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Smith Tedra and Enanskios. Obvious exits:
Stazi tries to move some boulders but only succeeds in sweating up a storm!
Nychta says, "We can go east now."
Tedra says, "now block the exit"
Tedra growls.
Enanskios whistles skillfully to himself.
Tedra rubs a doe-etched long stave bow.
Leanna brushes at her forearm with the back of her hand.
You follow Nychta who just went east. [Complete Darkness] This room is completely enveloped in darkness
which makes it impossible to see or do much of anything except stumble around the room. You have no idea if anyone else is
here. Obvious exits: none
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "yes an exit"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Yeah, we need his lantern."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "um"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "ohh the darkness"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "Light the damn lamp, Enanskios"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "someone grab me?"
Someone chuckles in the darkness.
Shrouded in darkness a male voice asks, "ummm grab who?"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "it's Tedra"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Gods, we're so absurd."
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Thats mean"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "can't see ya"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "oh man"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice asks, "Does anyone have a candle?"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "I don't"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "no"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "ouch"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "Uhm. What's all that thudding?"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "OUCH those are my toes"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "People running into walls I imagine."
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "me hitting the walls"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "hey watch what you grab there"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "Did we lose our lantern?"
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
You hear some shuffling in the darkness followed by a solid *THUD*!
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "yeah"
Shrouded in darkness a male voice says, "So that's what that soft part was."
Shrouded in darkness you ask, "well, until our friend decides to light the lantern, I reckon we're stuck,
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "he ran off"
Shrouded in darkness a female voice asks, "you mean the coward?"
Enanskios walks in, lighting the area.
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside illuminates the area in its soft glow.
Tedra says, "next time I bring lantern"
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Calestoa glares at Enanskios.
[Inside a tunnel] A rotted bucket leans against one wall of the tunnel while broken beams lie splintered
in a pile against the opposite wall. The floor of the tunnel is worn down in the middle, perhaps from years of miners trampling
back and forth over its surface. Also here: Miakoda, Calestoa, Asantewaa, Leanna, Nychta, Alteena, Smith Tedra, Gadgeteer
Arkturus, Enanskios, Stazi and Pirate Vatholian. Obvious exits: north, west.
Leanna says, "Thank you."
Tedra says, "I got one ya know"
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
Enanskios smiles.
Calestoa asks, "what took you so long?"
Alteena whistles loudly.
Calestoa peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Stazi joins Nychta's group.
Tedra says, "he was in here"
Vatholian joins Nychta's group.
Tedra folds her arms across her chest and fixes Enanskios with a stern gaze.
Nychta says, "Maybe he'd best lead."
Nychta disbands her group.
Tedra says, "he went in here before i did"
Alteena joins Nychta's group.
Vatholian joins Enanskios's group.
Calestoa gasps at Nychta!
Enanskios says, "As much as this pains me..."
Asantewaa joins Enanskios's group.
Enanskios says, "Join me."
Tedra joins Nychta's group.
Miakoda joins Nychta's group.
Leanna joins Enanskios's group.
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Stazi joins Enanskios's group.
Cervesus joins Enanskios's group.
Tedra leaves Nychta's group and joins Enanskios's instead.
Nychta disbands her group.
Calestoa sighs.
Alteena joins Enanskios's group.
Leanna says, "We're starting to get the feeling you just don't like us."
Calestoa joins Enanskios's group.
Leanna winks at Enanskios.
Nychta joins Enanskios's group.
Arkturus joins Enanskios's group.
Calestoa says, "this is killen me"
Stazi says, "tis better than bein in the dark"
Tedra says, "no I think he thinks we are fools"
Vatholian says, "Well we did bring his cave down around him."
Nychta growls at Enanskios.
Tedra frowns.
Enanskios says, "Your feelings may be on to something."
Leanna says, "We are fools. Most of the time. It's part of our charm."
Calestoa says, "hush "
Tedra grins at Leanna.
Calestoa glares at Enanskios.
Enanskios asks, "All in?"
Arkturus asks, "Can we use one of these beams to pry the boulder away?"
Arkturus glances at some broken beams.
Leanna says, "Mia, join up."
Nychta asks, "Is there another exit to this tunnel, Enanskios?"
Tedra joins Enanskios's group.
Enanskios says, "I'm not sure."
Asantewaa rolls her eyes.
Calestoa says, "Enanskios take Miakoda's hand"
Tedra pulls at a rotted bucket.
Asantewaa says, "Da mans an arse."
Arkturus pulls at some broken beams.
Enanskios holds hands with Miakoda.
Tedra taps a rotted bucket.
You follow Enanskios who just went North [Complete Darkness] This room is completely enveloped in darkness
which makes it impossible to seeor do much of anything except stumble around the room. You have no idea if anyone else is
here. Obvious exits: none
Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "Give credit where credit's due. He didn't leave us in the dark
while he ran off." Shrouded in darkness a female voice says, "um"
[Inside a tunnel] The tunnel splits off in several directions. The darkness makes it impossible to see far
enough in any direction to pick a way to travel. You also see some half-filled sandbags. Also here: Pirate Vatholian, Asantewaa,
Leanna, Stazi, Alteena, Calestoa, Nychta, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Smith Tedra, Miakoda and Enanskios. Obvious exits: north, south,
Stazi says, "tis darm again"
Alteena mutters I want my own lantern....
Tedra says, "I am still joined"
Stazi says, "dark"
Cervesus says, "Look"
Arkturus asks, "Why does his light keep going out?"
Tedra says, "someone keeps patting my rear end stop it"
Enanskios says, "It's a little old."
Leanna says, "I suspect we shuffle too much and it affects it."
Tedra sighs. >Leanna says, "Takes a moment for flames to settle."
You follow Enanskios who just went west. [Inside a tunnel] The skeleton of a pack mule lays to the side
of the tunnel, its leather tack rotted and chewed by something. The head of a lone pick-ax juts up from the ground, rusted
to a blood-red color. Also here: Pirate Vatholian, Asantewaa, Leanna, Stazi, Alteena, Calestoa, Nychta, Gadgeteer Arkturus,
Smith Tedra, Miakoda and Enanskios. Obvious exits: east, west.
Tedra pulls at a pair of woven leather sandals.
Stazi says, "well when we bring down the house we do a good job"
Stazi grins.
Tedra says, "awwww"
Leanna grins.
Tedra says, "a mule died here"
Tedra frowns.
Leanna says, "Better him than us."
Enanskios says, "Her name was lunch."
Arkturus removes a beige trochos pickset from his drinking jacket.
Tedra says, "no it means someone DID die here"
Tedra growls.
Arkturus puts a beige trochos pickset in a fancy maroon drinking jacket.
Stazi says, "no Enanskios ate him"
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside burns steadily.
Stazi chuckles.
Tedra laughs!
Tedra tickles Stazi.
Enanskios smacks his lips together.
Tedra laughs!
Tedra blinks.
Stazi chuckles.
Tedra coughs.
You follow Enanskios who just went west. [Inside a tunnel] Other than a thin flue, perhaps an arm's reach
across and heading straight up through a hole in the ceiling, there seems to be no other means of egress. Also here: Pirate
Vatholian, Asantewaa, Leanna, Stazi, Alteena, Calestoa, Nychta, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Smith Tedra, Miakoda and Enanskios. Obvious
exits: east.
Enanskios lights the torch with his polished lantern causing the end to burst into a steady flame.
Tedra says, "pssss"
Tedra leans on Stazi.
Tedra says, "there is a hole up there"
Tedra points up.
Nychta nods.
Cervesus nods.
Stazi says, "so I see"
Stazi gazes upward.
Arkturus nods to Tedra.
Nychta says, "How do we get up there though."
Arkturus asks, "Can we get up there?"
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Cervesus says, "tight squeeze"
Arkturus joins Enanskios's group.
Leanna searches around for a moment.
Enanskios leans by the torch.
Arkturus says, "If we make a chain of people we can probably do it."
Vatholian raises an eyebrow in Arkturus's direction.
Arkturus says, "One person boosts the first up, then the first pulls the second up as well."
Leanna asks, "Should we make a rule not to enter dark tunnels without a rope from now on?"
Enanskios says, "This should be entertaining."
Tedra jumps up and down!
Enanskios says, "Athen's finest."
Tedra says, "bucket"
Alteena slowly empties her lungs.
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "rope"
Tedra ponders.
Leanna asks, "I guess I need to stop making fun of Autolycus's grappling hook now, huh?"
Tedra says, "beams"
Leanna sighs.
Vatholian says, "Right, yeah, I'm not even going to bother."
Arkturus says, "There's some rope up there..."
Enanskios says, "Come now Pet? You must admit they are funny."
Nychta says, "And why on earth did you make a nest in such a dangerous place."
Arkturus says, "If one of us can get up there, maybe we can drop the rope down"
Tedra says, "someone outside"
Arkturus says, "Cervesus, give me a boost here."
Tedra asks, "can drop rope to us?"
Leanna asks, "Maybe he's related to pit vipers?"
Leanna glances at Nychta.
Nychta says, "I'm not a pet."
Cervesus says, "can try"
Vatholian says, "That's all well and good, I get to die here."
Cervesus joins Arkturus.
Cervesus shimmies up a thin flue back to back with Arkturus. [Inside a tunnel] A hole leads down a
narrow flue to the floor below. There are coils of rotted rope and bits of splintered wood scattered about the floor, perhaps
what was once a crude mechanism to pull workers up from the floor below. Also here: Gadgeteer Arkturus. Obvious exits: north.
Arkturus gazes at some coils of rotted rope.
Arkturus says, "Let's see..."
Cervesus says, "well, can't get the rope"
Tedra and Alteena just climbed up a rope ladder.
Tedra says, "yay"
Alteena hugs Tedra.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Tedra hugs Alteena.
Tedra coughs.
Tedra says, "um "
Tedra asks, "what buggars out here?"
Tedra blinks.
Arkturus says, "It used to be a ladder by the looks of it..."
Cervesus says, "not so bouncy, girl, I'm old an' married"
Arkturus pulls at some splintered wood.
Calestoa and Miakoda just climbed up a rope ladder.
Arkturus pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Cervesus says, "seems like it's still workable"
Alteena says, "Not a ladder... a winch and bucket..."
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Arkturus asks, "Who fixed the ladder?"
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Miakoda pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra pulls at some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra shrugs.
Calestoa tugs on some coils of rotted rope.
Tedra rubs her hands together.
Arkturus yells, "Come on, hurry up!"
Arkturus peers north.
Tedra rubs some golden light leather.
Tedra brushes at her forearm with the back of her hand.
Arkturus says, "I'm going to scout ahead"
Gadgeteer Arkturus just went north.
Tedra asks, "um who I join?"
Tedra says, "I don't want any buggars chewing at em"
Tedra says, "me"
Tedra coughs.
Alteena just went north.
Cervesus says, "nobody's gonna chew on ya in here"
Cervesus says, "just sit tight"
Calestoa peers north.
Tedra giggles.
Tedra nods.
Calestoa says, "more rocks north"
Tedra asks, "'oh can I help?"
Tedra coughs.
Gadgeteer Arkturus just arrived followed by Alteena.
Arkturus reaches over and holds Cervesus' hand.
You follow Arkturus who just went north. [Inside a tunnel] Piles of rocks and boulders have settled here
and there, evidence of numerous cave-ins and ground tremors. Some broken beams and crate slats litter the ground and are propped
against the walls. Also here: Alteena and Gadgeteer Arkturus. Obvious exits: north, south.
You follow Arkturus who just went north. [Inside a tunnel] Stone walls seem to go straight up to the high
ceiling. Looking carefully a shadow about half way up, which seems to be a ledge, can be seen, perhaps the only way out other
than back south. Also here: Alteena and Gadgeteer Arkturus. Obvious exits: south.
Arkturus struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus says, "hmmm"
Alteena struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus says, "How can we do this..."
Alteena joins Arkturus's group.
Arkturus reaches over and holds Cervesus' hand.
Alteena is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
Arkturus struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus sighs.
Arkturus says, "Guess that's not the answer."
With a small grunt of effort, Cervesus lifts Arkturus and pauses for a moment as he adjusts to
the unfamiliar weight in his arms. Then, in a completely unnecessary display of strength, Cervesus throws Arkturus
up into the air before catching him and placing him back on his feet.
Alteena joins Arkturus's group.
Cervesus says, "nope, can't get ya high enough"
Arkturus jumps up and down!
Cervesus searches around for a moment.
Arkturus struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus sighs.
Cervesus says, "need to be three times taller"
Cervesus ponders.
Arkturus nods to you.
Arkturus asks, "Maybe a giant could do it?"
Cervesus says, "maybe, but we ain't got one"
Arkturus nods.
Arkturus says, "Hmmm"
Miakoda just arrived.
Arkturus is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
Arkturus says, "Interesting..."
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Alteena nods to Arkturus.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Alteena just went south.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
Cervesus asks, "anyone else come up yet, Mia?"
Arkturus peers south.
Miakoda says, "Some are waiting on the rest to get up the rope ladder a couple paces south."
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Cervesus nods.
Arkturus nods to Miakoda.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Cervesus asks, "who's left at the bottom, though?"
Alteena just arrived.
Miakoda says, "Well, the hard one was Vath."
Arkturus says, "I think I know how to get up there, but it's locked up right now."
Cervesus says, "I bet"
Cervesus nods.
Miakoda says, "Be right back."
Miakoda holds up one finger.
Miakoda just went south.
Arkturus holds hands with Alteena.
Arkturus is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
You follow Arkturus who just went south. [Inside a tunnel] Piles of rocks and boulders have settled here
and there, evidence of numerous cave-ins and ground tremors. Some broken beams and crate slats litter the ground and are propped
against the walls. Also here: Alteena, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Stazi, Smith Tedra, Calestoa, Asantewaa, Leanna, Nychta, Pirate
Vatholian and Enanskios. Obvious exits: north, south.
You follow Arkturus who just went south. [Inside a tunnel] A hole leads down a narrow flue to the floor
below. There are coils of rotted rope and bits of splintered wood scattered about the floor, perhaps what was once a crude
mechanism to pull workers up from the floor below. You also see a rope ladder hanging down a narrow flue. Also here: Alteena,
Gadgeteer Arkturus and Miakoda. Obvious exits: north.
Miakoda just went north.
Arkturus asks, "Who got the ladder down?"
Alteena says, "Nychta"
You follow Arkturus who just went north. [Inside a tunnel] Piles of rocks and boulders have settled here
and there, evidence of numerous cave-ins and ground tremors. Some broken beams and crate slats litter the ground and are propped
against the walls. Also here: Alteena and Gadgeteer Arkturus. Obvious exits: north, south.
You follow Arkturus who just went north. [Inside a tunnel] Stone walls seem to go straight up to the high
ceiling. Looking carefully a shadow about half way up, which seems to be a ledge, can be seen, perhaps the only way out other
than back south. Also here: Alteena, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Miakoda, Stazi, Smith Tedra, Calestoa, Asantewaa, Leanna, Nychta,
Pirate Vatholian and Enanskios. Obvious exits: south.
Arkturus says, "Ah"
Miakoda says, "I sure hope you're not a bad guy."
Arkturus is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
Miakoda nods to Enanskios.
Arkturus says, "There"
Arkturus points at a shadowy ledge.
Tedra struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Asantewaa struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Tedra says, "need 3"
Arkturus says, "That's our ticket outta here, but something's blocking it."
Tedra says, "3 people"
Enanskios struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus looks over at Tedra and shakes his head.
Tedra blinks.
Arkturus is apparently wrestling with a shadowy ledge.
Enanskios glances at Vatholian.
Nychta asks Enanskios if he'll allow her to climb onto his shoulders.
Enanskios ponders.
Arkturus says, "Something's blocking it. A wall or something"
Stazi asks, "so groups of 3?"
Miakoda just tried to take Nychta's hand, but she politely pulled away.
Leanna snickers.
Tedra says, "that's what I thought"
Miakoda holds hands with Asantewaa.
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Nychta mutters incoherently at Enanskios.
Nychta says, "Ok, fine."
Asantewaa struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Stazi struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Vatholian glances at a shadowy ledge.
Nychta shrugs.
Vatholian raises one fetlock and inspects the ground beneath his hoof.
Arkturus asks Cervesus if he can climb onto his shoulders.
Arkturus whispers, "aha!"
Arkturus steps onto Cervesus' bent knee, then onto his clasped hands, and carefully steps onto his
Tedra says, "um"
Tedra asks, "what i do?"
Tedra blinks.
Alteena asks Arkturus if he'll allow her to climb onto his shoulders.
Tedra coughs.
Alteena steps onto Arkturus's bent knee, then onto his clasped hands, and carefully steps onto his shoulders.
Asantewaa gazes around at her surroundings.
Vatholian says, "Pray there's a rope up there or else someone's getting left."
Miakoda struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Cervesus nods to Vatholian.
Leanna says, "Be careful. Cervesus is looking a bit.."
Tedra paces back and forth.
Enanskios nods to Nychta.
Cervesus says, "I'll manage"
Nychta says, "You should be able to climb up.....if you're careful."
Arkturus grunts.
Leanna struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Calestoa struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Arkturus says, "Come on, Alteena..."
Tedra exclaims, "go go Cerv!"
Enanskios says, "Look at the Athenian Griffon scouts go."
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Arkturus says, "Hurry up"
Alteena says, "I am stuck"
Nychta says, "Climb up on Alteena."
Miakoda asks, "Enanskios?"
Tedra says, "watch it you all are leaning"
Miakoda asks, "How about you share your ideas?"
Vatholian struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Nychta works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Tedra winces.
Alteena says, "Next"
Leanna says, "That looks painful."
Stazi's skin shimmers briefly.
Arkturus says, "Okay, here we go"
Calestoa points at Miakoda.
Cervesus says, "c'mon, let's go"
Tedra says, "cerv sure is strong"
Stazi works his way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving himself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Arkturus says, "Keep it going"
Alteena winces.
Enanskios raises his polished lantern to illuminate the area more effectively.
Tedra gazes upward.
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside burns steadily.
Miakoda asks, "Alteena, you want someone else to take your spot?"
Calestoa works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Alteena says, "I can make it"
Asantewaa growls.
Tedra exclaims, "go go!"
Miakoda nods to Alteena.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Miakoda says, "Ok."
Miakoda works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Cervesus says, "move, people"
Alteena winces.
Leanna says, "Let's do this quickly, then, before they collapse."
Arkturus exclaims, "Everyone, keep going. Cervesus is going to collapse if you don't hurry!"
Leanna works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Alteena winces.
Vatholian says, "I'll take your place Cervesus."
Arkturus grunts.
Enanskios chortles.
Cervesus says, "I got it, Vath"
Tedra frowns at Enanskios.
Enanskios asks, "Getting heavy is it?"
Cervesus says, "just move, ya old fart"
Tedra works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Arkturus says, "Shut up and climb, you damned fool."
Alteena winces.
Asantewaa works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Nychta climbed down a shadowy ledge.
Vatholian asks, "Find rope?"
Vatholian peers quizzically at Nychta.
Arkturus asks, "Anything up there, Nychta?"
Nychta says, "Vatholian, there's nothing up there like the ladder, you're going to have to try to climb
Miakoda climbed down a shadowy ledge.
Vatholian asks, "What about them though?"
Miakoda says, "Vath, you need to go now."
Enanskios says, "Don't come down you twits."
Nychta says, "Go fast."
Cervesus says, "c'mon, Vath, I'll need ya to help pull me up"
Arkturus asks, "Yea, how are we going to get up there?"
Vatholian says, "I'll pull"
Nychta nods to Vatholian.
Alteena slowly empties her lungs.
Vatholian removes his swirl-etched alogopaps.
Vatholian puts some silver swirl-etched alogopaps in a dark backpack lined in shadow wolf fur.
Vatholian says, "This is going to hurt."
Cervesus nods.
Vatholian struggles to find a way to climb the shadowy ledge but is forced to give up.
Miakoda says, "They can take it."
Cervesus says, "get it over then"
Miakoda smiles at Vatholian.
Vatholian works his way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving himself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Alteena winces.
Nychta says, "He made it."
Arkturus grunts.
Miakoda exclaims, "OH yea!"
Miakoda beams!
Nychta works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Cervesus says, "now the rest of ya"
Enanskios says, "go."
Arkturus says, "I never want to be that close to a centaur's underside again..."
Miakoda asks, "Any of you need a B-team relief?"
Alteena mutters incoherently at Miakoda.
Cervesus says, "don't get me laughin', Ark"
Cervesus says, "get up there, Mia, right now"
Arkturus says, "Just climb up, Miak"
Arkturus says, "We'll find a way up"
Arkturus says, "Enanskios, you too"
Miakoda says, "Ok. Just checking. We'll be waiting up top to pull you all up."
Miakoda smiles.
Miakoda works her way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving herself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Enanskios works his way up Cervesus' back before clambering over Arkturus and Alteena and heaving himself
up onto the shadowy ledge.
Alteena slowly empties her lungs.
Arkturus says, "Ok... it's just us now"
Cervesus says, "well, at least the skinny one's on top"
Arkturus asks, "Alteena, can you reach the ledge?"
Alteena says, "Cervesus"
Cervesus asks, "what?"
Alteena says, "Climb"
Cervesus puts all his weight on Arkturus's legs before clambering over him and Alteena, heaving
himself up onto the shadowy ledge.
[On a Tiny Ledge] This area is so small, it almost feels like a bubble in the wall of the tunnel below.
Careful steps need to be taken or else a nasty fall down to the tunnel floor below could result. A tiny crevasse leads west
toward what seems to be a larger span of tunnel. Also here: Enanskios, Miakoda, Nychta, Pirate Vatholian who is lying down,
Asantewaa, Smith Tedra, Leanna, Calestoa who is sitting and Stazi. Obvious exits: west.
Tedra says, "yay"
Leanna asks, "You okay?"
Vatholian stands up.
Calestoa stands up.
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Leanna gazes at Cervesus.
Cervesus nods.
Arkturus pulls himself up over the lip of a shadowy ledge.
Tedra looks at Cervesus and lets out a hearty cheer!
Leanna asks, "Need a backrub or something?"
Alteena pulls herself up over the lip of a shadowy ledge.
Alteena falls over.
Arkturus lets out a hearty cheer for Alteena!
Tedra pats Alteena on the shoulder.
Cervesus says, "I'm okay"
Stazi says, "awwwww"
Arkturus slaps his palm against Cervesus' palm!
Nychta asks, "You guys ok?"
Vatholian joins Enanskios's group.
Arkturus pants.
Calestoa nods to Cervesus.
Alteena wheezes.
(Miakoda rubs the hoof prints off Cervesus' back.)
With a small grunt of effort, Cervesus lifts Alteena and pauses for a moment as he adjusts to
the unfamiliar weight in his arms. Then, in a completely unnecessary display of strength, he throws Alteena up into
the air before catching her and placing her back on her feet.
Arkturus says, "Yea, I think so"
Tedra laughs!
Stazi joins Enanskios's group.
Tedra grins at Miakoda.
Calestoa joins Enanskios's group.
Asantewaa kneads the knots out of the muscles of Cervesus' sore shoulders.
Tedra joins Enanskios's group.
Cervesus joins Enanskios's group.
Leanna joins Enanskios's group.
Stazi says, "lets go from here"
Asantewaa joins Enanskios's group.
Arkturus joins Enanskios's group.
Arkturus says, "Good job, Alteena."
Alteena rubs a colossal backpack.
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "yeah she good"
Leanna says, "I hate tunnels."
Leanna sighs.
Enanskios smiles at Nychta.
Tedra says, "and Cerv is strong"
Tedra nods.
Nychta says, "I can't believe I'm following you."
Miakoda joins Enanskios's group.
Nychta joins Enanskios's group.
Enanskios says, "I can."
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Calestoa says, "none of us can Nychta"
Stazi says, "what a mess"
Enanskios says, "It's like it was meant to be."
Arkturus peers west.
Tedra says, "he's got the carrot on the stick"
Tedra giggles.
A polished lantern flickers softly as the flame inside burns steadily.
Nychta growls at Enanskios.
Asantewaa smirks.
Enanskios says, "You just need to kneel more."
Asantewaa grins at Nychta.
Asantewaa grins at Enanskios.
You follow Enanskios who just went west. [Inside a tunnel] It's dark, it's dirty, it's cramped -- it's a
tunnel. It's nothing to write home about. Also here: Pirate Vatholian, Stazi, Calestoa, Smith Tedra, Leanna, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer
Arkturus, Miakoda, Nychta and Enanskios. Obvious exits: east, west.
Asantewaa hums!
Tedra gasps!
Calestoa says, "I gotta knee for ya"
Alteena just arrived.
Miakoda frowns at Enanskios.
Calestoa chuckles.
Tedra laughs!
Alteena joins Enanskios's group.
Arkturus peers west.
Tedra claps her hands at Calestoa.
Nychta's entire body tenses as she clenches her fist.
Enanskios asks, "Got everyone?"
Calestoa grins at Tedra.
Arkturus peers east.
Arkturus says, "Yup"
Cerveus says, "easy, one thing at a time"
Miakoda asks, "Nychta, don't kill him til we're out of here, ok?"
Vatholian says, "This is not the time nor place for a conflict."
You follow Enanskios who just went west. [Inside a tunnel] The walls and floor seem to be vibrating
slightly. For some odd reason the sound seems to bring visions of a mischievous child humming innocently while waiting for
some prank to come to fruition. Also here: Pirate Vatholian, Stazi, Calestoa, Smith Tedra, Leanna, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus,
Miakoda, Nychta, Alteena and Enanskios. Obvious exits: north, east.
Tedra giggles.
Arkturus peers north.
Tedra coughs.
Enanskios raises his polished lantern to illuminate the area more effectively.
You follow Enanskios who just went north. [Inside a tunnel] The tunnel ends in a cul-de-sac. There's nothing
here at all except smooth walls and a small vent about waist high to a human. Also here: Pirate Vatholian, Stazi, Calestoa,
Smith Tedra, Leanna, Asantewaa, Gadgeteer Arkturus, Miakoda, Nychta, Alteena and Enanskios. Obvious exits: south.
Tedra says, "ohhhhh"
Nychta says, "Yeah, I'll kneel to your wildest dreams maybe."
Vatholian glances at a small vent.
Leanna says, "Right. Even though it's a pretty convenient place to hide a body."
Tedra says, "ohhh let's not do this nuendo stuff"
Enanskios says, "Already have there, my deary."
Vatholian says, "I hate this place."
Tedra snickers.
Arkturus stretches out onto the floor.
Arkturus stands up.
Arkturus kneels down.
Arkturus stands up.
Miakoda says, "Ok, this is creepy."
Miakoda sighs.
Asantewaa kneels down.
Stazi says, "not another hole"
Leanna says, "Aw, he dreams about you. Told you."
Leanna nods to Nychta. Arkturus says, "Hmmmm...."
Leanna snickers.
Stazi kneels down.
Arkturus says, "I'm going"
Asantewaa stands up.
Gadgeteer Arkturus went into a small vent.
Tedra says, "it was eerie last spot"
Nychta blinks.
Stazi stands up.
Tedra sits down.
Asantewaa went into a small vent.
Stazi went into a small vent.
Tedra stands up.
Miakoda went into a small vent.
Cervesus says, "well, seems like the way"
Calestoa went into a small vent.
Smith Tedra went into a small vent.
Vatholian says, "Just dark"
Alteena glances at a small vent.
Leanna asks, "Uh.Shouldn't we send the lantern first?"
Nychta says, "Looks like it."
Enanskios says, "Enthusiastic bunch they are."
Alteena says, "Bah"
Alteena went into a small vent.
Vatholian says, "Be interesting if there were a flesh eating something or other in there."
Leanna says, "I don't wanna go down there till there's a light."
Vatholian says, "Lantern goes first is my opinion as well"
Enanskios laughs at Vatholian.
Cerevsus says, "fer a little while"
Enanskios says, "Now that would be funny."
Enanskios asks, "Want the lantern?"
Enanskios smiles at Vatholian.
Enanskios says, "Haven't heard no screams anyway..."
Vatholian says, "Sure, might be handy, I get blamed when it goes out."
Enanskios went into a small vent.
Pirate Vatholian went into a small vent.
Cervesus nods to Leanna.
Leanna says, "Fun, fun."
Leanna went into a small vent.
Nychta says, "Your turn."
Cervesus says, "go on, then, Nychta"
Nychta shrugs.
Cervesus says, "I'll bring up the rear"
Nychta went into a small vent.
[Tunnel Chute] Nothing can be seen in the inky darkness of this chute. Obvious exits: none.
At first you sit unmoving, but just when you think you'll be stuck you slowly start to slide down inside
the dark tunnel.
A thud comes from somewhere in the darkness.
You hear yelping coming from somewhere in the chute.
You go faster and faster in the uneven chute, bouncing over dips and bumps.
A crash and groan comes from somewhere nearby.
Nychta exclaims, "Ouch!"
You soar over a particularly large bump and hit your head on the ceiling.
Your scarab pulses with your heartbeat. ...Your scarab absorbs 2 drops of blood. ...You take 3 points of
Cervesus exclaims, "ow!"
You hear yelping coming from somewhere in the chute.
You must be hitting every loose pebble and rock that lines the floor of the chute.
Cervesus says, "bugger all"
[A Hideout] In one corner several dozen coyote skins are piled. A few pieces of serviceable furniture lay
about in no particular order. An upside-down crate serves as a table and sports a few dishes, some parchment, a stylus and
several candles. You also see a wooden lever, an opening in the wall and some canvas sandbags. Also here: Nychta who is lying
down, Leanna, Pirate Vatholian, Enanskios, Alteena, Smith Tedra, Calestoa, Miakoda, Stazi, Asantewaa and Gadgeteer Arkturus.
Obvious exits: east.
Cervesus lands flat on his back in the pile of coyote skins!
Arkturus tries to pull Nychta up to her feet, but cannot.
Tedra asks, "ruined?"
Arkturus tries to pull Cervesus up to his feet, but cannot.
Asantewaa tries to pull Cervesus up to his feet, but cannot.
Asantewaa tries to pull Cervesus up to his feet, but cannot.
Asantewaa pulls Cervesus to his feet.
Nychta exclaims, "Oof!"
Tedra asks, "that is all you worried about?"
Nychta stands up.
Enanskios quickly snuffs out his polished lantern and returns the knob to its original position.
Cervesus says, "so 'e did have a use for 'em"
Tedra raises an eyebrow.
Stazi says, "ah well someone hated us"
Nychta gazes around at her surroundings.
Stazi mutters my nice clean clothes
Miakoda gazes around at her surroundings.
Stazi grumbles.
Leanna brushes at her forearm with the back of her hand.
Vatholian takes a moment to dust himself off and make sure his clothes are straight.
Leanna says, "Let's... not do that again."
Stazi brushes at his forearm with the back of his hand.
Asantewaa reaches over to Stazi and pulls a piece of lint away from his shoulder.
Enanskios says, "Now..."
Tedra frowns at Stazi.
Stazi grins at Tedra.
Nychta says, "Well, that was nasty."
Stazi falls down, laughing hysterically!
Enanskios snarls, "What in Tartarus is this all about."
Calestoa peers east.
Stazi jumps to his feet!
Stazi hugs Tedra.
Nychta says, "I guess I should have expected soemthing like that from you."
Tedra smiles.
Vatholian says, "People think you clobbered Sid again for information."
Enanskios glances at Vatholian.
Calestoa sits down.
Calestoa rubs her head.
Tedra leans on her bow.
Cervesus says, "we sorta was thinkin' o'askin' the same o'you"
Tedra rubs a doe-etched long stave bow.
Enanskios says, "I haven't been in the town in weeks. Let alone talking to the sot."
Leanna says, "Hey. We just came to chat. Not to have near-death experiences- though, granted, they often
end up being the exact same thing for us."
Tedra takes a deep breath and blows on a doe-etched long stave bow. Did some dust come off of that?
Enanskios glances at Leanna.
Vatholian says, "I prefer to pass on the tiny floo experience again."
Cervesus asks, "so then, who's yer friend with the cloak?"
Tedra giggles at Vatholian.
Nychta asks, "Well, do you know anyone who has a tattoo of an eagle on a Spartan standard?"
Miakoda asks, "Some cloaked person whacked Sid in the head again. You are, of course, the natural suspect.
If it wasn't you then perhaps you'd like to clear your name by explaining to us what you're doing here?"
Vatholian says, "My ribs will be hurting for weeks."
Cervesus peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Miakoda peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "yeah"
Alteena says, "My back..."
Alteena nods to Vatholian.
Tedra says, "I was wondering if he belongs to Zeus"
Tedra nods.
Tedra says, "that cloaked man"
Enanskios asks, "A what?"
Nychta nods to Tedra.
Enanskios glances at Nychta.
Enanskios asks, "Cloaked who?"
Tedra says, "or maybe...Zeus"
Nychta says, "A tattoo of a black eagle on a Spartan standard."
Leanna says, "He doesn't have to tell us what he's doing here. He's allowed to make a home whereever he
wants. We just have to know he wasn't the one who hit Sid over the head."
Leanna slowly empties her lungs.
Tedra nods to Nychta.
Tedra says, "he would not talk to us"
Enanskios says, "Thank you."
Enanskios nods to Leanna.
Calestoa removes a shot of Bloody Glark's Whiskey from her opal-clasped backpack.
Calestoa drinks down her Bloody Glark's Whiskey and gasps turning slightly blue in the face.
Calestoa sways a little unsteadily.
Leanna says, "However, see, here's the deal."
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
Leanna says, "Some cloak fellow has been running around."
Alteena sits down next to some canvas sandbags.
Nychta hops up onto the crate and sits down.
Tedra nods.
Leanna says, "He has a tattoo like the one Nychta described."
Tedra nods.
Vatholian says, "There is an unknown fellow around, all we can describe him as having is a tattoo with a
black eagle on a spartan standard, he wears a cloak so we cannot discern any more."
Leanna says, "But, here's the quirky thing... you and he tend to be seen around the same time alot."
Cervesus says, "then again, if 'e wants to do business, whatever that is, without us pesterin' 'im,
maybe 'e should talk now"
Calestoa sways a little unsteadily.
Tedra says, "like an ...informer"
Tedra snorts.
Leanna says, "Now, I'm willing to believe maybe you don't even know about him."
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
(Calestoa takes some catgut and a needle and begins sewing her head up again.)
Tedra says, "a rogue"
Leanna says, "But that doesn't stop the fact he seems to be connected to you. Maybe he's following you.
Who knows."
Enanskios sits down next to some coyote skins.
Tedra sighs.
Stazi plops down onto the floor.
Tedra sits down.
Enanskios begins to rub his temples.
Stazi removes a polished silver tankard from his velvet sack. >Stazi takes a drink from his silver tankard.
Stazi takes a drink from his silver tankard.
Stazi takes a drink from his silver tankard.
Calestoa's face turns a little pale.
Stazi puts a polished silver tankard in a large black velvet sack.
Tedra pouts.
Enanskios says, "Alright... The tattoo."
Leanna says, "Sid said the person who attacked him sounded like you- and that this person didn't have a
tattoo, which seems to rule out the normal cloaked figure."
Enanskios asks, "describe again?"
Tedra nods.
Calestoa lets out a burp.
Tedra says, "I need a drink"
Leanna glances at Nychta.
Calestoa removes a shot of Bloody Glark's Whiskey from her opal-clasped backpack.
Cervesus says, "black eagle, spartan standard"
Calestoa drinks down her Bloody Glark's Whiskey and gasps turning slightly blue in the face.
Calestoa sways a little unsteadily.
Vatholian says, "Sid said he didn't see a tattoo not that the figure didn't have a tattoo"
Calestoa stands up.
Tedra nods.
Nychta points at Cervesus.
Alteena tugs on Calestoa.
Alteena says, "Sit"
Calestoa pats Alteena on the shoulder.
Vatholian removes a shot of Bloody Glark's Whiskey from his fur sporran.
Calestoa says, "its just blood"
Alteena peers east.
Vatholian offers Tedra a shot of Bloody Glark's Whiskey.
Tedra accepts Vatholian's Bloody Glark's Whiskey.
Tedra nods to Vatholian.
Tedra gazes at a silver Mjollnir relic and sighs.
Tedra drinks down her Bloody Glark's Whiskey and gasps turning slightly blue in the face.
Tedra looks slightly pale and begins to sweat.
Enanskios asks, "And the figure?"
Tedra coughs.
Tedra blinks.
Tedra rubs her nose.
Stazi chuckles.
Cervesus asks, "anyone see 'is face?"
Nychta says, "Just that she notices he always wears that bracer. She thinks maybe the figure is him."
Vatholian says, "No, he has a pleasant hood like mine."
The lever on the floor suddenly moves and you hear a rumbling noise as a wall seems to slide closed right
in front of your eyes.
Nychta blinks.
Stazi blinks.
Tedra looks slightly pale and begins to sweat.
Tedra coughs.
As Arkturus moves the lever the wall slide to the side, revealing an opening.
Calestoa says, "oh no"
Tedra says, "ohhhh i feel sick"
Miakoda gazes around at her surroundings.
Calestoa's face turns a little pale.
The blood slowly drains from Tedra's face.
Enanskios asks, "this bracer?"
Alteena gazes at an opening in the wall.
Tedra stretches out into a reclining position.
Nychta nods to Enanskios.
Enanskios taps a thick leather bracer.
Tedra rocks her head back and forth a little unsteadily.
Calestoa chuckles at Tedra.
Calestoa lets out a burp.
Tedra coughs.
The blood slowly drains from Tedra's face.
Enanskios says, "Right then. Tell me."
Tedra's face turns a little pale.
Tedra rubs her nose.
Enanskios asks, "Is this what it looked like?"
Tedra blinks.
Enanskios removes his leather bracer.
You see Enanskios, a male human. He has short, frizzy white hair, steel grey eyes, tanned skin, and is clean-shaven.
He is holding a polished lantern in his right hand. He is holding a thick leather bracer in his left hand. He is wearing a
tattoo of a black eagle perched atop a Spartan standard, some scuffed soft-leather boots, some dusty suede pants, a thick
leather belt, a black velvet belt pouch, a dirty white silk shirt, and a large scarlet silk sack. He is sitting down.
Nychta blinks at Enanskios.
Tedra lets out a burp.
Vatholian says, "Yep, that's the one."
Tedra says, "ahhhh"
Tedra says, "excuse me"
Cervesus says, "that'd be it"
Tedra blushes a bright red color.
Tedra sits up.
Leanna says, "I guess those who said they'd seen you without your bracer were a bit mistaken."
Leanna ponders.
Tedra shakes her head.
Enanskios says, "Perfect."
Nychta says, "I get the odd feeling that I've seen that before....not on the cloaked man though."
Enanskios stands up.
Enanskios paces back and forth.
Nychta ponders.
Enanskios puts a thick leather bracer on his forearm.
Nychta says, "When I was young....."
Tedra nudges Stazi with her elbow.
Cervesus peers quizzically at Nychta.
Tedra glances at Stazi and holds up one finger to her lips.
Leanna glances at Nychta.
Nychta says, "Not possible though."
Vatholian sighs.
Tedra giggles.
Vatholian removes a bottle of whiskey from his rune-trimmed salipazo.
Tedra blushes a bright red color.
Vatholian pulls the cork from his bottle of whiskey and takes a hearty drink before replacing the cork.
Miakoda listens intently to Nychta.
Vatholian says, "He refers to himself as Justice, he is after Nychta."
Nychta shakes her head.
Tedra blinks.
Nychta frowns.
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Miakoda says, "No, Nychta, go on please."
Tedra blinks.
Enanskios mutters "Very possible."
Vatholian puts a bottle of whiskey in a black hooded rune-trimmed salipazo.
Tedra leans forward, placing her chin in her hand, with a thoughtful expression on her face. She must think
she's a philosopher or something.
Nychta peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Tedra sighs.
Leanna glances at Vatholian.
Enanskios blinks at Vatholian.
Alteena shudders.
Nychta asks, "Who what?"
Nychta peers quizzically at Vatholian.
Vatholian says, "The cloaked figure."
Cervesus says, "well, 'e was askin' Sid about 'er"
Tedra asks, "what about the cloaked figure?"
Cervesus nods. >Tedra blinks.
Vatholian says, "I so dislike being uninformed, so I found him."
Enanskios says, "Stay away from him."
Leanna says, "Nychta... you wouldn't have happened to seen that tattoo when.. that...male friend of yours
was killed, right? "
Leanna glances at Nychta.
Enanskios says, "All of you."
Vatholian says, "He's after you."
Vatholian points at Nychta.
Tedra asks, "why?"
Enanskios says, "And you."
Nychta says, "No, I was younger...."
Tedra blinks at Enanskios.
Enanskios glances at Nychta.
Vatholian says, "He couldn't care less about you as long as you don't get in the way."
Vatholian nods to Enanskios.
Nychta blinks at Enanskios.
Nychta asks, "Me what?"
Enanskios says, "You leave town tonight."
Vatholian says, "And he calls himself, Justice."
Tedra leans on Stazi.
Vatholian says, "He has a score to settle."
Tedra blinks.
Nychta asks, "Leave town?"
Stazi says, "this sounds messy"
Nychta chuckles.
Tedra hiccups.
Tedra blinks.
Miakoda says, "If he's after Nychta then we're all involved. She is one of us now."
Cervesus asks, "what score?"
Enanskios says, "You are out of your league."
Vatholian says, "I don't know."
Leanna says, "And if she leaves, won't he just follow her? "
Nychta says, "You dont' know what league I'm in."
Vatholian says, "I can only get so much out of a person that doesn't want to talk."
Nychta scoffs at Enanskios.
Tedra hiccups.
Enanskios says, "You people are not prepared for this."
Calestoa says, "I never was in a league"
Arkturus asks, "How much can one man do against all of us?"
Calestoa glances at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "prepared"
Tedra jumps to her feet!
Asantewaa says, "Dey say same thing 'bout Collin and we's kill him."
Asantewaa shrugs.
Tedra asks, "I am prepared now what?"
Enanskios laughs at Arkturus.
Stazi says, "depends on how good of a assassin he is"
Tedra shifts her weight.
Tedra blinks.
Enanskios glances at Stazi.
Nychta says, "Sounds like you just want me out of town so you can have full reign."
Calestoa says, "Look, I've been attacked, my head bashed in and twice and invaded by Romans, I'm ready for
anything right now"
Leanna says, "Then why don't you tell us a little bit, so we can be good and scared and avoid him? "
Nychta says, "I don't scare that easily."
Leanna glances at Enanskios.
Miakoda says, "prepared or not is irrelevent. It isn't our nature to just let someone get to one of us alone.
That isn't what our Athens is like. We protect our own."
Miakoda nods to Enanskios.
Arkturus says, "We've stood up to Gods before, I think we can handle a mortal assassin, no matter how good
he may be."
Enanskios asks, "Reign of what? A pile of rocks?"
Tedra says, "yeah"
Tedra asks, "why you hang here?"
Cervesus shrugs.
Leanna says, "We've died by gods before, too."
Leanna chuckles at Arkturus.
Tedra leans on Enanskios.
Enanskios says, "I can't tell you more."
Tedra hiccups.
Vatholian says, "I do suggest you be on your guard at the very least, he is bad news, I can tell you that
much from what I have seen."
Calestoa grumbles.
Tedra leans on her bow.
Leanna asks, "What about you? Are you in league with him?"
Vatholian raises an eyebrow in Leanna's direction.
Leanna peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Leanna asks, "Or is he above you?"
Arkturus exclaims, "The only time we've died to a mortal before is if he had an army. This is one man. We
can take him!"
Vatholian says, "No one listens to me."
Nychta asks, "You've got the same tattoo. How do we know it's not you?"
Enanskios says, "I don't know."
Tedra hiccups.
Tedra nods to Stazi.
Enanskios says, "You don't."
Tedra grins at Stazi.
Tedra blinks.
Stazi gets a thoughtful expression on his face.
Tedra squints at Enanskios.
Vatholian says, "He knows both of you are here, he's after Nychta and according to what he said he couldn't
care less about Enanskios as long as he doesn't get in the way."
Cervesus ponders.
Tedra says, "I don't' think"
Leanna asks, "So... why is he telling you this?"
Leanna glances at Vatholian.
Tedra says, "that Enanskios is with this cloaked figure"
Tedra hiccups.
Cervesus asks, "some kinda secret order? ya run off from it, maybe?"
Cervesus peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Vatholian says, "Because I stuffed him up a tree when Quinlax and the mob were running through the tunnels."
Stazi asks, "Could this Justice be working with the Warlord outside our gates?"
Enanskios glances at Cervesus.
Tedra giggles at Vatholian.
Enanskios says, "In a manner of speaking."
Nychta peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Tedra trips over something and lands right in front of Stazi.
Tedra says, "oh sorry"
Alteena asks, "CIs Justice the "warlord"?"
Tedra looks at Stazi and blushes.
Leanna says, "Let's be reasonable- we all know Nychta's not going to leave. Especially now that you've told
her to."
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
Tedra leans on her bow.
Tedra blinks.
Tedra sits down.
Stazi tickles Tedra.
Tedra squirms.
Tedra hiccups.
Nychta says, "No, I'm staying in Athens now for sure."
Stazi says, "sitting down is a good thing"
Cervesus says, "well, that's true enough"
Miakoda nods to Nychta.
Leanna says, "And you know we're not going to stay out of it, because, when do we ever? Especially when
we'd be extremely intelligent to stay out of it."
Cervesus nods to Leanna.
Tedra hiccups.
Enanskios says, "Then she is likely going to die."
Stazi grins at Tedra.
Arkturus grins at Leanna.
Tedra says, "wait a second..."
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Tedra asks, "Leanna?"
Calestoa says, "then we die with her"
Vatholian mumbles something under his breath.
Tedra says, "Cleo's mocked wedding"
Leanna nods.
Nychta says, "I don't scare that easily."
Tedra asks, "what all this have to do with this?"
Tedra blinks.
Leanna says, "Yes? We would have been highly intelligent to stay out of that."
Leanna nods to Tedra.
Tedra says, "no"
Cervesus says, "likely nothin'"
Leanna says, "They aren't connected except through the fact we got in over our heads both times."
Vatholian says, "You keep your own counsel and die by your own choices, I personally will not get in anyone's
Tedra says, "I think there is a link to this"
Tedra nods.
Tedra says, "uh huh"
Enanskios snaps his fingers.
Leanna says, "However, like Cal said, most of us... will stand in front of Nychta. Whether she likes it
or not."
Enanskios points at Vatholian.
Leanna says, "Cuz that's what we do."
Enanskios says, "Smart man."
Calestoa agrees with Leanna.
Miakoda nods to Leanna.
Leanna says, "We're loyal if there's nothing else to recommend us."
Nychta says, "YOu won't stand in front of me. I won't be the cause of anyone getting hurt."
Calestoa says, "great"
Cervesus chuckles.
Calestoa chuckles.
Vatholian says, "They won't listen."
Vatholian nods to Nychta.
Leanna asks, "Then you'd have to leave Athens, won't you?"
Leanna gazes at Nychta.
Nychta sighs.
Cervesus asks, "ya ain't learned much in all this time, eh?"
Calestoa says, "how I have heard this before"
Leanna says, "You stay in Athens, and we're standing in front of you"
Cervesus peers quizzically at Nychta.
Vatholian says, "Try whatever you want they're going to hurl themselves in front of you."
Cervesus chuckles.
Tedra says, "all this running"
Vatholian says, "And from what I've seen of Spartan fighting techniques it will be a slaughter"
Leanna says, "It's what we do. We try to protect each other, too."
Enanskios sits down next to some coyote skins.
Tedra says, "why all this running like cowards"
Enanskios mutters something under his breath.
Tedra blinks.
Stazi says, "it keeps us in shape all the running that is"
Arkturus says, "Wait a second... maybe there's something to what Tedra was saying..."
Tedra giggles at Stazi.
Tedra tickles Stazi.
Arkturus asks, "There may not be a connection now, but what if we made one?"
Stazi tickles Tedra.
Leanna asks, "Huh?"
Arkturus says, "Autolycus is the one man I know who can hide from anyone"
Tedra says, "yeah"
Stazi says, "its possible"
Tedra says, "yeah"
Tedra says, "keep it coming"
Nychta says, "I'm not going to hide."
Tedra nods.
Arkturus says, "If we can get in contact with him, I'm sure he could hide Nychta somewhere"
Leanna says, "Autolycus is busy fencing off stolen emeralds anyway."
Enanskios grumbles.
Tedra says, "no"
Cervesus says, "too right"
Tedra says, "it is a connection"
Calestoa asks, "why hide?"
Cervesus nods to Leanna.
Enanskios sways back and forth.
Tedra says, "that cloaked man"
Nychta peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Stazi says, "yeah but what do we have to pay that man.... he's got a high price to help people"
Vatholian removes a bottle of whiskey from his rune-trimmed salipazo.
Calestoa says, "if you hide trouble keeps coming you can't escape it"
Vatholian pulls the cork from his bottle of whiskey and takes a hearty drink before replacing the cork.
Tedra says, "was before and after that mock wedding"
Vatholian puts a bottle of whiskey in a black hooded rune-trimmed salipazo.
Nychta asks, "What's the matter, old man?"
Miakoda says, "Auto seemed pretty busy last time I heard of him."
Enanskios mutters something under his breath.
Tedra says, "yeah forget Auto"
Tedra says, "I mean Cleo"
Leanna says, "Though the irony of a thief hiding a bounty hunter is beautiful."
Tedra says, "and this happening now"
Cervesus says, "the cloaked man ain't got nothin' to do with Cleopatra"
Tedra blinks.
Calestoa says, "If he wants her, he'll find her no matter how long she hides"
Enanskios glances at Nychta.
Leanna says, "Right. Hiding won't do any good."
Enanskios shakes his head.
Tedra looks drained, gold fire fading from her eyes.
Calestoa says, "I say we stand together NOW"
Tedra exclaims, "yeah!"
Leanna says, "This guy is obviously bearing some old grudge."
Tedra says, "now"
Vatholian says, "I don't think so."
Leanna says, "He's not going to give up just because Nychta ducked out of sight for a while."
Tedra says, "nope"
Calestoa says, "your choice Vath"
Asantewaa says, "From what Sante hearin' yous two fight together against dis cloak man you could win, Sante
hear about yous twos fight."
Tedra says, "we stand and fight"
Calestoa says, "no one is gonna be dragged"
Cervesus says, "Nychta musta took in somebody from this here secret bunch"
Tedra shakes her long stave bow!
Miakoda says, "Ok, time you tell us what your issue with Nychta is, Enanskios."
Vatholian says, "I think this has more to do with posturing within Sparta not a grudge."
Miakoda gazes at Enanskios.
Leanna raises an eyebrow in Vatholian's direction.
Enanskios glances at Miakoda.
Tedra sighs.
Enanskios says, "No issue."
Enanskios mutters something under his breath.
Tedra says, "I feel love in the air..or it's gas"
Leanna asks, "Posturing within Sparta? What? So it'd look good if he killed Nychta?"
Tedra giggles.
Leanna asks, "But why bother?"
Tedra hiccups.
Calestoa says, "He's in love with her"
Asantewaa rolls her eyes.
Asantewaa sighs.
Calestoa gazes at Enanskios.
Miakoda says, "Not buying that. Obviously you have an issue of some sort."
Vatholian says, "Do I look like I know Spartan affairs? No."
Miakoda nods to Enanskios.
Nychta blinks at Calestoa.
Nychta blanches.
Leanna glances at Calestoa and holds up one finger to her lips.
Arkturus says, "Enanskios, perhaps it's time you enlighten us as to the nature of this tattoo you and the
cloaked man share."
Nychta says, "He is not."
Calestoa says, "not your fault Nychta"
Calestoa says, "but he is"
Leanna says, "Cal, you gotta be more subtle about stuff like that."
Enanskios continues to mutter what seems to be a littany of proper names.
Arkturus asks, "It looks military to me. Where did you get it?"
Tedra says, "cloaked man is informant"
Leanna glances at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "something bigger"
Calestoa says, "I don't know how to be sublte"
Miakoda smiles at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "with Enanskios and the cloaked man"
Tedra says, "much bigger"
Enanskios glances at Arkturus.
Stazi ponders.
Enanskios says, "It is a military tattoo."
Enanskios says, "A rare one."
Nychta peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Nychta ponders.
Leanna asks, "Special elite group, huh?"
Arkturus says, "Do enlighten us."
Calestoa rubs her head.
Vatholian says, ""Justice depends on who demands it." Is what he said, this is no personal grudge."
Calestoa sits down.
Tedra says, "ohmyApollo don't say Elite group"
Nychta asks, "Could he....?"
Miakoda says, "I'm sorry Enanskios. I know how overbearing we are collectively. You need to know, though,
that we love Nychta, and will do whatever we need to to protect her....thus the questions. And answers from you would be nice."
Nychta ponders.
Miakoda smiles.
Alteena peers quizzically at Nychta.
Nychta coughs.
Leanna says, "He finds us overbearing singularly, too, so that's not saying much."
Tedra giggles.
Enanskios mutters "Twenty four."
Miakoda says, "Let him answer."
Nychta peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Nychta asks, "24?"
Stazi blinks.
Cervesus asks, "24 with the tattoo?"
Tedra asks, "the 24th?"
Enanskios makes a shushing noise.
Leanna sits down.
Enanskios says, "I need to think."
Stazi ponders.
Arkturus seems to be waiting for something.
Cervesus says, "that's sorta a novel concept fer the most of us"
Nychta says, "me too....I think, I'm wrong, I couldn't have seen that tattoo before."
Cervesus says, "give it a minute to sink in"
Vatholian says, "Yet he says he has unfinished business with you."
Tedra says, "wait a minute stop evading, Enanskios"
Leanna gives Cervesus a playful poke in the ribs.
Leanna makes a shushing noise.
Tedra says, "we came here for answers not riddles"
Enanskios blinks.
Arkturus says, "Never underestimate your gut reaction, Nychta. First instincts are almost always the right
Leanna exclaims, "Let him think!"
Miakoda says, "Nychta, close your eyes and relax a moment and see if where you saw it comes back to you."
Enanskios asks, "Evading what?"
Tedra says, "issue"
Enanskios asks, "Which issue?"
Calestoa removes a shot of Bloody Glark's Whiskey from her opal-clasped backpack.
Nychta says, "There are a lot of people who might have unfinished business with me."
Leanna says, "He's not evading anything. He's trying to think."
Tedra says, "you know something that is going to effect Athens"
Calestoa drinks down her Bloody Glark's Whiskey and gasps turning slightly blue in the face. Calestoa sways
a little unsteadily.
Nychta ponders.
Leanna says, "Okay. Wait. He's evading alot, but at the present moment, he's trying to think."
Cervesus says, "Nychta, if 'e's after ya, ya might well ha'seen it before"
Vatholian says, "Yes, well one with the ability to track you down and possibly take you out."
Tedra says, "and you deciding to just give us a tidbit but not all the facts"
Calestoa sways a little unsteadily.
Tedra frowns.
Nychta says, "Remmish.....he .... it was on Remmish."
Leanna glances at Nychta.
Arkturus asks, "Remmish?"
Cervesus asks, "Remmish?"
Stazi asks, "Remmish?"
Enanskios blinks.
Leanna says, "Her tutor."
Enanskios glances at Nychta.
Leanna says, "Or...trainer.. or whatever."
Cervesus says, "oh, yeah"
Cervesus nods.
Nychta says, "Remmish had one of those tattoos."
Miakoda asks, "Enanskios, what does that information mean to you?"
Tedra raises an eyebrow.
Cervesus asks, "she's been trained in somethin' Sparta don't want women knowin'?"
Calestoa's face turns a little pale.
Calestoa rubs her nose.
Stazi asks, "secret combat moves?"
Calestoa rubs her hands together.
Cervesus shrugs.
Arkturus says, "It seems to me an elite group such as these "24"s or whatever they call themselves, wouldn't
train anyone unless they intended them to join them."
Tedra rolls her eyes.
Enanskios asks, "Which information?"
Cervesus says, "I'm just guessin'"
Enanskios glances at Miakoda.
Calestoa lets out a burp.
Tedra asks, "for what?"
Miakoda says, "That Remmish had that same tattoo."
Miakoda nods to Enanskios.
Tedra says, "well go grab this Remmish"
Stazi says, "assassins? "
Cervesus sighs.
Nychta says, "Well, I know he was in the Spartan Army."
Calestoa leans against some canvas sandbags.
Leanna says, "Remmish is missing."
Tedra says, "and keep Enanskios with us"
Nychta says, "Before he worked for my father."
Cervesus says, "Remmish ain't here to be grabbed"
Tedra says, "oh"
Tedra says, "sounds fishy"
Nychta says, "No, he's not."
Miakoda says, "Enanskios is familiar with Remmish."
Enanskios asks, "Rubbish wasn't one of us was he?"
Tedra asks, "us?"
Nychta says, "Remmish, not rubbish."
Cervesus arches his eyebrow.
Cervesus says, "just can't resist, can ya"
Tedra asks, "he don't like Remmish?"
Miakoda asks, "So you're a Spartian soldier...or were?"
Cervesus looks at Enanskios and shakes his head.
Miakoda peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Calestoa peers east.
Tedra says, "sounds right to me"
Tedra shifts her weight.
Enanskios says, "For life."
Tedra nods.
Calestoa shifts her weight.
Tedra asks, "but why now you not like to be there?"
Tedra asks, "what is going to happen to Athens?"
Tedra growls at Enanskios.
Miakoda asks, "Is your purpose here anything to do with Nychta?"
Miakoda peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Tedra asks, "they lovers?"
Tedra blinks.
Nychta blinks at Tedra.
Enanskios blinks at Tedra.
Nychta exclaims, "No!"
Tedra blinks.
Calestoa looks over at Tedra and shakes her head.
Enanskios starts to say something, then stops.
Arkturus asks, "This all has an eerie quality to it... I want to check out that military camp outside Athens...
maybe there's evidence of that banner somewhere on the camp?"
Asantewaa squints at Enanskios.
Tedra says, "I noticed that camp area when hunting"
Cervesus says, "ain't seen no standards in the camp atall"
Tedra nods to Arkturus.
Cervesus looks at Arkturus and shakes his head.
Leanna asks, "You think everyone's lovers, don't you?"
Leanna grins at Tedra.
Tedra says, "no trying to get the facts, ma'am"
Nychta says, "That's not a spartan camp. Spartans are more organized and no women in camp."
Tedra grins at Leanna.
Leanna says, "Mmmhm."
Cervesus nods.
Tedra says, "ok I got a question"
Miakoda asks, "Enanskios? Your purpose here has something to do with Nychta...or not?"
Stazi says, "plus they have a habit of strangling off-key singers"
Tedra asks, "you got any tattoos, Nychta?"
Tedra blinks at Nychta.
Enanskios blinks.
Tedra nods to Stazi.
Calestoa says, "I'm getting bored, this is going no where"
Alteena mutters something about elite killers.
Nychta asks, "Do I look like I have any tattoos?"
Cervesus says, "I been tellin' 'em it ain't no proper army, just mercs or somethin', but they won't
listen to me about it"
Cervesus shrugs.
Enanskios says, "Indirectly."
Nychta says, "no, I don't."
Nychta blinks at Enanskios.
Tedra nods.
Miakoda asks, "Indirectly how?"
Miakoda peers quizzically at Enanskios.
Stazi rubs a tattoo of a red dragon in flight that is on his arm.
Tedra says, "oh nice"
Tedra smiles at Stazi.
Tedra says, "just wondering"
Tedra grins.
Asantewaa says, "Geez peoples hims love hers, well care anyways, yous can see it."
Asantewaa shrugs.
Tedra says, "cause we all beating around the bush here"
Nychta blinks at Asantewaa. >Calestoa nods to Asantewaa.
Leanna snickers.
Calestoa says, "doesn't mean they're lovers"
Stazi shows Tedra a tattoo of a red dragon in flight.
Tedra says, "no"
Leanna says, "Guys, shush."
Tedra smiles at Stazi.
Enanskios says, "Not saying. You people have tongues that wag more then a Trojan in a Brothel."
Asantewaa says, "Hims here to protect hers and no wantin' hers to know it."
Tedra says, "I mean he's going to help her, yeah"
Nychta says, "No way, 'Sante."
Leanna says, "Everyone quiet. If Enanskios needs to think, then I'd prefer he do it here where he might
let us know something then run off to get some peace and quiet."
Asantewaa smirks at Nychta.
Tedra says, "was getting to that, Asantewaa"
Leanna makes a shushing noise.
Miakoda says, "If you're nearly as observant as I know you are then you know I do not have such a tongue,
and I was the one asking."
Asantewaa says, "Way Nychta."
Miakoda smiles at Enanskios.
Asantewaa folds her arms across her chest.
Cervesus asks, "protect 'er by stovin' 'er up fer a month?"
Tedra laughs!
Tedra mutters and I think everyone is lovers
Tedra snorts.
Asantewaa says, "Had to make look good."
Enanskios glances at Alteena.
Asantewaa nods to Cervesus.
Enanskios glances at Alteena and holds up one finger to his lips.
Cervesus snorts.
Nychta shudders.
Alteena nods to Enanskios.
Nychta glances at Enanskios.
Nychta mutters about nightmares.
Miakoda asks, "Enanskios, did you know Nychta before you met her in Athens?"
Tedra sighs.
Enanskios asks, "And Leanna is it?"
Enanskios stands up.
Asantewaa says, "Yous twos need to get pass dis and work together."
Asantewaa nods to Nychta.
Leanna says, "Ah, me? "
Leanna nods to Enanskios.
Asantewaa nods to Enanskios.
Enanskios says, "I like the way you think."
Tedra rolls her eyes.
As Enanskios moves the lever the wall slides in, closing off the opening.
Enanskios is apparently wrestling with an opening in the wall.
Leanna stands up.
Nychta blinks at Enanskios.
Tedra exclaims, "hey!"
Tedra says, "grab him"
Leanna says, "So saw that coming."
Calestoa jumps to her feet!
Tedra stands up.
Arkturus just left.
As Enanskios moves the lever the wall slide to the side, revealing an opening.
Miakoda says, "Let him go."
Enanskios went through an opening in the wall.
As Alteena moves the lever the wall slides in, closing off the opening.
Leanna says, "We already wrecked his home."
Alteena snaps her fingers.
Calestoa says, "Leave him alone I say"
As Alteena moves the lever the wall slide to the side, revealing an opening.
Stazi says, "plus we need to ge back to town"
Tedra says, "dang it"
Asantewaa went through an opening in the wall.
Tedra sighs.
Leanna says, "Plus, he needs to think and we weren't being quiet."
Smith Tedra went through an opening in the wall.
Leanna says, "He doesn't seem to mean any of us harm- at the moment."
Stazi stands up.
[Hill Cave, Treasure Pit] The floor in this small cave has been dug out to create a shallow pit. However,
all it holds are scraps of garbage, soiled linens and animal carcasses, any bandit treasure having been stolen long ago. The
only exit is west, back out to the tunnel and outcropping. You also see an opening. Also here: Smith Tedra and Asantewaa.
Obvious exits: west.
Calestoa came through an opening.
Stazi came through an opening.
Tedra mutters about rats
Smith Tedra just went west.
Smith Tedra just arrived.
Tedra says, "can I kill the bandit"
Tedra giggles.
Asantewaa peers west.
Stazi asks, "who knows the way back to town?"
Cervesus says, "if ya just trained yer fourtheenth time, ya prolly can"
Stazi peers west.
Cervesus nods to Tedra.
Cervesus says, "watch out fer brigands though"
Tedra says, "I don't know the way back"
Tedra says, "but you all come running after that fella"
Calestoa says, "Vesus, look at my head"
Tedra says, "saying you gonna kill him"
Cervesus says, "I do, no worries - just waitin' on the others"
Tedra says, "then you all gabbing"
Cervesus peers quizzically at Calestoa.
(Calestoa touches her head as it bleeds down her face.)
Tedra says, "then he runs off no answers"
Tedra removes a P12 honey-ginseng elixir from her fur backpack.
Tedra offers Calestoa a P12 honey-ginseng elixir.
Stazi says, "answers will come soon enough"
Calestoa declines Tedra's offer.
Cervesus says, "there was answers, you just din't hear 'em"
Calestoa says, "thank you sweetie"
Tedra puts a P12 honey-ginseng elixir in a large golden fur backpack.
Tedra nods.
Stazi removes a honey-ginseng elixir from his fur sack.
Stazi puts a honey-ginseng elixir in a large maroon fur sack.
Cervesus says, "looks like ya need to take it easy a bit longer, Callie"
Calestoa nods to you.
Calestoa says, "its bleeding again"
Cervesus nods.
Cervesus says, "not too bad, though"
Cervesus says, "just lost one o'the stitches"
Calestoa says, "ok"
Stazi says, "oops"
Tedra leans on Stazi.
Tedra grins at Stazi.
Tedra asks, "so this is all?"
Cervesus holds up one finger.
Tedra asks, "no answers?"
[A Hideout] In one corner several dozen coyote skins are piled. A few pieces of serviceable furniture lay
about in no particular order. An upside-down crate serves as a table and sports a few dishes, some parchment, a stylus and
several candles. You also see a wooden lever, an opening in the wall and some canvas sandbags. Also here: Nychta who is sitting,
Leanna, Pirate Vatholian and Alteena who is sitting. Obvious exits: east.
Leanna says, "Can't say I'd blame you."
Cervesus says, "you all comin'? if not, these others need me to show 'em the way back to town"
Nychta says, "Well, I'm heading back to town...if I can find it."
Nychta mutters something under her breath.
Leanna grins.
Leanna asks, "Cervesus, you leading?"
Nychta says, "I can't believe I got lost on the way here."
Alteena jumps to her feet!
Cervesus says, "c'mon, I'll get ya back"
Cervesus nods.
Leanna joins Cervesus' group.
Vatholian says, "I do suggest you stay on your guard, the cloaked chap seemed like he meant business."
Vatholian joins Cervesus' group.
Nychta says, "I've been here a few times before."
Nychta joins Cervesus' group.
Leanna says, "You were distracted. It's hard to walk and contemplate things at the same time."
Leanna grins at Nychta.
Cervesus asks, "Alteena?"
Leanna says, "It'll make anyone take wrong steps."
Cervesus holds Alteena's hand.
[Hill Cave, Treasure Pit] The floor in this small cave has been dug out to create a shallow pit. However,
all it holds are scraps of garbage, soiled linens and animal carcasses, any bandit treasure having been stolen long ago. The
only exit is west, back out to the tunnel and outcropping. You also see an opening. Also here: Smith Tedra, Stazi, Calestoa
and Asantewaa. Obvious exits: west. Alteena, Vatholian and Leanna followed. You left Nychta behind.
Tedra says, "cause that fella ran off"
Stazi joins Cervesus' group.
Cervesus holds Tedra's hand.
Asantewaa joins Cervesus' group.
Cervesus holds Calestoa's hand.
[Hill Cave, Tunnel Bend] This tunnel bends from northwest to east, the eastern end touching on a small cave.
The rock wall beside the cave mouth has been gouged with a sharp pick, crude letters carved to read, "SEKRIT TRESUR PITE".
You also see a nasty bandit. Obvious exits: east, northwest. Calestoa, Asantewaa, Tedra, Stazi and Alteena followed.
Tedra says, "cloaked man out P gate"
(Cutting out all the room descriptions as the group moves.)
Tedra nods to Cervesus.
Leanna says, "Uhm."
Leanna asks, "Where's Nychta?"
Tedra exclaims, "manure!"
Cervesus asks, "where indeed?"
Tedra exclaims, "where she go head back!"
Tedra says, "go back"
Leanna says, "I think we left her."
Tedra growls.
Tedra says, "go get her"
Nychta just arrived.
Nychta joins Cervesus' group.
Leanna grins.
Nychta says, "I was sitting on the crate."
Nychta says, "Sorry."
Cervesus says, "ah, sorry"
Vatholian removes a Britannian yew longbow from his large sack.
Cervesus says, "wasn't payin' attention"
Tedra touches her lips with the tip of her tongue.
Leanna says, "Rumor has it that a cloaked figure has been seen near the gate."
Leanna nods to Nychta.
Tedra nods.
Nychta blinks.
Leanna says, "I can only hope that that cloaked figure is the one with the tattoo- but we know it's not
Vath, cuz he's with us."
Leanna grins.
Tedra laughs!
Tedra nods.
Vatholian raises an eyebrow in Leanna's direction.
Tedra says, "better not be"
Tedra grins at Vatholian.
Leanna asks, "Well, aren't you?"
Leanna stares at Vatholian.
Vatholian says, "I also have noticeable proportions"
Leanna says, "You -look- like you're here."
Tedra says, "oh the suspense is thick like pea soup"
Tedra grins.
Leanna says, "Well. They just said 'cloaked figure' not 'cloaked human'."
Leanna says, "The people who said there was one, that is."
Vatholian puts a Britannian yew longbow in a black bearskin sporran adorned with three small tassles from
Tedra says, "we passed the military camp.."
Tedra gazes around at her surroundings.
Leanna says, "If we start chasing cloaked people now, we're going to have quite a job."
[Athens, Peiraic Gate] Near the gate, a bubbling fountain in a recess of the wall provides refreshment to
travelers entering or leaving the city. Heavily laden mules plod toward the commercial areas while a number of folk on foot
head north and south on Apeiros Circle. You also see a brightly painted bar, the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard
upon it and a well. Also here: Witch Seni who is sitting. Obvious paths: north, east, south. Nychta, Calestoa, Asantewaa,
Tedra and Stazi followed.
Tedra laughs!
Cervesus nods.
Cervesus disbands his group.
Tedra exclaims, "Seni!"
Tedra bounces up and down exuberantly!
Stazi leaps behind Seni and engages her in combat!
Alteena falls over.
Cervesus waves at Seni.
Nychta leans against a brightly painted bar.
Tedra laughs!
Stazi hugs Seni.
Alteena blinks.
Seni says, "hiya all"
Cervesus leans against the Peiraic Gate with an engraved brass placard upon it.
Alteena gets a sudden twitch in her eye.
Seni waves.
Alteena sits up.
Leanna says, "Looks like Sid's still alive. That's a good thing."
Stazi crouches down and does several acrobatic tumbles to the east.
Nychta says, "Well, that was quite the interesting time."
Stazi just strode in.
Tedra says, "yeah"
Stazi grins.
Tedra says, "all nice bruises and all"
Stazi leans on Seni.
Tedra grins.
Cervesus says, "yeah, I reckon"
Seni says, "the hooded person went that way"
Tedra says, "still no answers"
Seni points east.
Tedra sighs.
Seni hugs Stazi.
Leanna says, "Good thing Liye wasn't with us, cuz I promised her no tunnels or falling."
Cervesus asks, "when?"
Leanna grins at Vatholian.
Cervesus peers quizzically at Seni.
Tedra giggles.
Seni says, "just before i thought to everyone"
Stazi grumbles.
Cervesus asks, "sorry, I din't hear that - how long ago?"
Seni says, "i was in the middle of whittling so i couldnt get to him or her in time"
Alteena rubs Calestoa gently.