The definition of adrenals according to HELP ADRENAL:
Adrenals deal with your ability to focus your inner-self to enhance your body beyond its normal capabilities, thus drawing
from resources such your body's adrenaline or your spiritual "chi" to enhance your combat skills. Be aware that mixing
such spiritual or physical enhancements with others may lead to undesirable effects! To see what adrenal moves you are
capable of, use FOCUS LIST. You may test your adrenal fortitude by checking your ADRENAL level.
To use Adrenal abilities, type FOCUS followed by the name of the ability. Usage: FOCUS LIST
- to see a listing of the adrenal abilities
you have mastered. FOCUS <ability>
- to use an adrenal skill. FOCUS <ability>
HELP - for specific help on an adrenal skill.
When you have the skill to learn new adrenal skills you'll get hints about them. You'll need to use them
once for them to show up on your FOCUS LIST.