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Verbs beginning with the letter A:

ACCEPT:  Used to accept something that's been offered to you.  After something has been offered you need to type ACCEPT within 30 seconds or the offer is cancelled.

ACTION:  This is used to do actions that are not supported with the in game verbs that are already available.  It is NOT meant to be used to force actions on others, (IE:  ACT stabs Gertrude over and over until she falls over unconscious.) or to do things that aren't physically possible (IE:  ACT flies around the room, flapping his big dragon wings.).  With enough stagecraft skill and in a performance area the parenthesis will disappear from ACTs. 
USAGE:  ACT (and some action).
Also:  ACT MASK (action) and ACT PUPPET (action).

Usage: ADMIRE 
  1st person messaging:  You gaze in admiration at your surroundings.
  3rd person messaging: (Person) looks around with an expression of admiration on her/his face.
Usage:  ADMIRE (self)
  1st person messaging:  You get a smug expression on your face.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) gets a very smug expression on her/his  face.
Usage:  ADMIRE (other person)
  1st person messaging:  You gaze at (other person) in admiration.
  2nd person messaging:  (Person) gazes at you in admiration.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) gazes at (other person) in admiration.

ADVANCE:  This verb is used to advance into melee with an enemy.  Once you advance you still cannot swing or otherwise engage in a melee attack until you get the message that you have advanced to melee range on the enemy.
Usage:  ADVANCE (enemy)

ADVICE:  This verb is used to get hints in the game, usually it is general advice, but sometimes the advice is specific for a puzzle or room.  There are many, many different messages given, so you might want to type it quite a few times to get all the advice.
Usage:  ADVICE

Usage:  AGREE
  1st person messaging:  You adopt an agreeable look.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) adopts an agreeable look.
Usage:  AGREE (self)
  1st person messaging:  You show confidence in your convictions.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) shows confidence in her/his convictions.
Usage:  AGREE (other person)
  1st person messaging:  You agree with (other person).
  2nd person messaging:  (Person) agrees with you.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) agrees with (other person).
Usage:  AGREE (item)
  1st person messaging:  You find the (item) agreeable.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) finds the (item) agreeable.

ALIGN:  Used to set your alignment to a diety.
Usage: ALIGN
You are currently aligned with the God (diety).
You may change your deity alignment by performing the following ritual.
1) Go into any temple or holy place.
2) Hold a candle in your right hand.
3) Type ALIGNMENT <The number of your deity choice>.
Example: ALIGNMENT 1 will set your alignment to Zeus.
To see a list of available deities, type ALIGNMENT LIST

ALTER:  Used to review the guidelines on alterations. 
Usage: ALTER 
  ALTER GENERAL - Help on general alteration procedures.
  ALTER TAP     - Help on TAP descriptions.
  ALTER LOOK    - Help on LOOK (and READ) descriptions.
The following is a set of guidelines to which all item descriptions should adhere.

1. Respect the alterer's decisions.  An alterer is trained to be able to adhere to Quality Control guidelines on-the-fly and most of their decisions are inflexible and based on the Quality Control standards.  Presenting your case for the description you want is okay, but avoid allowing it to degrade into an argument.  By arguing about a set standard, you are potentially asking the alterer to ignore game policy.  The alterer's decisions are final and they are not required to give a reason for their decisions.
2. Understand the alterer's personality, skills, and capabilities.  Each alterer is a character in their own right.  There may be things they like and things they don't like.  They may have been traumatized by a mermel as a child and will refuse to create the image of one on your item, or they might allow it for a rather steep cost.  They often only deal with certain materials or types of items.
3. Be prepared.  Having the description you would like on your item prepared ahead of time, even if it is just a rough idea, can greatly shorten the time others are waiting for their turn and helps the alterer serve as many customers as possible.  Also, count on the alterer requiring that you provide the raw materials for the item.  If you want your dress to be studded with tiny diamonds then be sure to have one or two diamonds on hand.  Some may require that you hand them payment at the time of purchase so make certain that you are prepared to pay them for their services.
4. Offer valid spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  Always use two spaces between sentences.  Break up run-on phrases into two sentences.  Alterers realize that not everyone is a practiced writer and will correct any issues for you, but it is best to have things as tidy as possible.
5. Any item presented to an alterer that does not meet current standards for that item, either mechanical or visual, will either need to be adjusted to meet those standards in order to be altered or (if the item cannot be corrected or the necessary adjustments are undesirable for the player) will be refused for alteration.
See ALTER TAP or ALTER LOOK for more info.
  TAP Descriptions:

1. Anything legible in the TAP or LOOK descriptions of an item must be in large letters and in a spot where everyone could see it all the time.  Writing is usually best noticeable in the LOOK description and detailed in the READ description and almost never seen in the TAP description.
2. Do not use run-on sentences.  While "a midnight-blue cloak embroidered with golden and silvery thread and bearing the image of a great drake holding a rose in its maw as it flies across the moon" has no forbidden or illogical elements, it's far too long for a TAP description.  Keep your adjectives in control, and generally ask for no more than ONE extra phrase after the noun.  In general, keeping it to an absolute maximum of 10-12 words per item is good.
3. Does the item make sense?
EXAMPLE: While a button might be visible to all in the room, a button with "the Viking rune for truth carved on the face" had better explain how it is that everybody in the room can suddenly read Viking runes and why they can see a tiny engraving on a button from far off.
See ALTER GENERAL or ALTER LOOK for more info.
LOOK descriptions:

1. Do not use the name or face of any player other than your own.  Exceptions may be made if it's obviously a gift.  GM names are not allowed anyplace in any alteration since a GM is an inherently OOC (Out Of Character) entity.
EXAMPLE: There's a difference between carving "To Lilith.  Love, Brasidas" on a lover's locket and throwing "the image of Fred's severed head" on a shield.
2. Size matters.  Some of this depends on the merchant's abilities and the item you want changed.  Make sure that what you want will fit on the item.
EXAMPLE: Could they really fit "the image of fifty nymphs dancing in a field of ripened wheat beneath a bright blue sky with the town of Athens nearby and the Bay of Eleusis shimmering in the distance" on a locket?
3. Length matters.  LOOK and READ descriptions, because they are not seen by other players unless the item is shown to them, can be slightly longer than TAP descriptions but must still be concise.  Try to keep the word count down to 20 to 25 words for LOOK descriptions.  This rule is flexible, but in no case should the LOOK descriptions ever exceed 40 words nor should READ descriptions ever exceed 20 words.  A good online thesaurus or three can help you trim your request to fit this guideline and the alterer will be able to make suggestions to help.
4. Avoid using nouns that require interpretation.  If it is possible that two different players who see the same description can envision different things then you should be more explicit.
EXAMPLE: "You see the image of a Roman man waving to a crowd."  A "Roman" man?  How does one recognize the man as being a Roman?  It is better to say, "You see the image of a man dressed in Roman attire waving to a crowd."  The classic example is an image of "an Amazon woman".
5. Items don't glow, pulsate, vibrate, shake, rattle, squirm, giggle or emanate unless there's a really good reason for such a description.  A magic item could possibly glow as long as this does not need to fade when the item is out of magical charges.  It might glitter or scintillate if it's encrusted with gems, but it won't cast any light of its own and must account for the amount of light available.
EXAMPLE: "The crown is made of polished silver with tiny red chrysolite gemstones embedded along the circumference, cut to reflect light into fiery fans of color."  This is okay since it does not explicitly state that it is currently reflecting light in such a way and yet it still presents the image you desire.  Using "...embedded along the circumference that reflect light into fiery fans of color." is not allowed since it states that there is light present to do this when this may not be necessarily true - a subtle but important difference.
6. Never ask for a description that tells other players what they think or feel.
EXAMPLE: "an ugly sword that makes you cringe with fear."  This is not allowed.
7. Blood-soaked or -spattered items would dry out.  Bloodstained might be permissible, if the item could hold a bloodstain.
8. Do not ask for a material we don't have (laen), or the image of a creature that doesn't exist here (roltans), or other things that don't exist (a nazi helmet, a denim jacket).  Don't use the color "camouflage".  No tie-dyed items.  These are all OOG (Out Of Genre).
9. Keep in mind that items will be in various states.
EXAMPLE: Asking for a robe for one of your male human characters "that drapes along the ground behind him" has a nice, comic touch - until he takes it off, or a female character wears it, or a giant wears it, or it drops to the ground, etc....
10. Alterers cannot put words, nouns, or materials in a description if they cannot verify their meaning unless it is something that can be found in a reference work to which they have access.
EXAMPLE: Having "Go n-ithe an cat thu is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat." is permissible if the alterer can find that it is Irish Gaelic dialect and can somehow find that it means "May the cat eat you and the devil eat the cat."
11. No fedoras, derby or bowler hats.  No buttons with slogans.
12. Most scripted items cannot be altered.  There are exceptions and it is permissible to ask, just be prepared to have the request denied.
EXAMPLE: Changing a warhand's description to "The battered warhand's spikes are stained with a blood-red hue." is not allowed since the warhand changes shape when worn and tapped and the spikes may no longer be visible.
13. Other restrictions and guidelines may exist.  These are usually established by the Product Manager and will be made clear by the alterers.
See ALTER GENERAL or ALTER TAP for more info.

Usage: APPLAUD (other person)
  1st person messaging:  You applaud (other person)!
  2nd person messaging:  (Person) applauds you! 
  3nd person messaging:  (Person) applauds (other person)!
Usage:  APPLAUD (self)
  1st person messaging:  You applaud yourself.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) applauds herself/herself.
Usage:  APPLAUD (item in hand)
  1st person messaging:  You clap your (item) between your hands.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) claps her/his (item) between her/his hands.
Usage:  APPLAUD (item in room)
  1st person messaging:  You clap your hands at a/an (item).
  3rd person messaging;  (Person) claps her/his hands at a/an (item).

APPRAISE:  Appraise is used in a pawn, gem or furrier shop to find out the value of an object.  You can also appraise gems to find out how much they are worth, of course the success of this depends on your skills.
Usage when in a shop:  APPRAISE (item)
Usage:  APPRAISE (gem)
  1st person messaging: You carefully scrutinize your (gem).
Low skill messaging:  You stare at a (gem), but can't seem to figure anything out.
Medium skill messaging:  You realize your (gem) is (quality).
High skill messaging:  You realize your (gem) is (quality) and worth about (amount) dinars.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) carefully scrutinizes her/his (gem).

ASK:  This verb is used to ask questions of NPCs (Non-Player-Characters).  Some NPCs are trainers, Vania or different characters that are part of the game and programmed in by the GMs.
Usage:  ASK (name) ABOUT/FOR (subject)

ASSESS:  Used to see the attributes and condition of a weapon or armor.  Also can be used as an RP verb if used on a player
Usage:  ASSESS (weapon)
  1st person messaging: You begin a (skill based adjective)  inspection of your steel longsword. 
The (weapon) would appear to be some sort of  (attribute) (weight) (type) weaponry (with an occasional (attribure) kick) made primarily out of (material).  It would also appear that there's (condition) with the (weapon).
  3rd person messaging: (Person) begins a (skill based adjective) inspection of her/his (weapon)
(pause for person's roundtime)
(Person) finishes examining her/his (weapon), and she nods in satisfaction..
Usage: ASSESS (armor)
  1st person messaging:  You begin a (skill based adjective) inspection of your sparkling nimbus.:
The (armor) would appear to be some sort of (attribute) armor made primarily out of (material).  It would also appear that there's (condition) with the (armor).
  3rd person messaging: (Person) begins a (skill based adjective) inspection of her/his (armor).
(Pause for person's roundtime)
(Person) finishes examining her/his (armor) and she nods in satisfaction.
Usage: ASSESS (other person)
  1st person messaging:  You look (other person) over very closely.
  2nd person messaging:  (Person) looks (other person) over very closely.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) looks you over very closely.

ASSIST:  Used to call for a GM.
Please observe the following ASSIST guidelines:
1) Use assist if you have a unique item in your inventory which is bugged or is displaying a typo. (If several items in the game have the same problem use BUG or TYPO rather than ASSIST).
2) Assist may be used for game bugs that require immediate attention. (Please also record such bugs using the BUG verb.) Bugs that can be fixed at a later time should be recorded with BUG.
3) If you have a special item that was lost directly due to a full game crash you may assist to request a possible replacement of the item. Please do not assist for coin, chest, skinning, foraging or experience replacement. If you truly feel your loss is an exception to the rules as stated, please send a replacement request by email to aoh-feedback@simutronics.com
4) Combat bugs should be recorded using BUG. Combat bugs can rarely (if ever) be fixed during an assist.
5) Please do not use ASSIST to ask for game hints, directions, or training advice. Type HELP, ADVICE and DIR instead.
6) Type SUGGEST if you have an idea you wish to share with the GameMasters.
7) It is preferred that players work out social interaction problems between themselves.  However, if you feel that you are being consistently harassed by another player you may assist to report the problem.
Your cooperation in following the assist guidelines will speed up the assist process for all players (including you when you really need help!) and will be greatly appreciated by the GameMasters and GameHosts.  If your problem falls within the guidelines above and you require GameHost and GameMaster assistance at this time, type ASSIST CONFIRM.  To check your position in the assist queue type ASSIST PENDING.

ATTACK:  This verb is used to auto-attack an enemy.  It will also auto-retreat when you are too injured.
USAGE:  ATTACK (enemy)

AUCTION:  This verb gives information on the auction rules.
                            AUCTION RULES
                              The Basics
 1) Have fun!
 2) Things aren't always what they seem so Buyer Beware!
 3) If bugs are found in your item use BUG and they will
    be corrected as soon as possible.
 4) The auctioneers don't know everything about the items they're
    selling.  Remember these are unique and rare items with little
    known backgrounds.  The auctioneer will try to present an item
    in the most flattering light they can without being untruthful
    but again - Buyer Beware!
 Check news in-game, the calendar or the premium gazette for limit
 information for the upcoming auctions.  They will have the most
 up to date information.

 If you are caught transferring dinars you will lose your auction
 purchase and you will not be refunded the dinars you paid.

 Transferring refers to:
 1) Transferring dinars between accounts
 2) Giving dinars to a younger "family member" (character on your
    own account)
 3) Offering to fund another player's bid with the intent of buying
    the item later.
 4) Any other means by which players are given unfair advantage
    over others.
  BOTTOM LINE:  PLAY FAIR and if in doubt ask a GM!
 Play fair.  Give everyone a chance to enjoy this very
 special event.  If you think you are bending the rules, then use
 ASSIST (if the auction is in progress, use REPORT) to ask, and
 a GameMaster will advise you.
                      Finally - HAVE FUN!                           

AVOID:  This verb is used to avoid actions of other players that might nt be welcome by you.
Usage: AVOID JOINERS to stop people from joining you.
            AVOID DRAGGING to stop people from dragging you.
            AVOID HOLD to stop people from taking your hand.
            AVOID SETTINGS to see the current settings.
