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Verbs that begin with the letter B:

Befriend:  Used to make special bonds of friendship with other adventurers or shopkeepers.
To add a new friend: BEFRIEND (NAME)
To remove a friend: BEFRIEND CLEAR (NAME)
To remove all friends: BEFRIEND CLEAR ALL
To remove a friend who isn't in the lands: BEFRIEND CLEAR (NUMBER)
To see which friends are in the game: BEFRIEND LIST
To see which merchants you have befriended: BEFRIEND MERCHANT
To clear a merchant friend: BEFRIEND MERCHANT CLEAR (NUMBER)
To see where you have backroom access: BEFRIEND MERCHANT BACKROOM

Usage: BLINK 
  1st person messaging:  You blink.
  3rd person messaging: (Person) blinks.
Usage:  BLINK (self)
  1st person messaging:  Your eye twitches.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) gets a sudden twitch in his/her eye.
Usage:  BLINK (other person)
  1st person messaging:  You blink at a (other person).
  2nd person messaging:  (Person) blinks at you.
  3rd person messaging:  (Person) blinks at (other person).