Heartsong's Hearth


Home | Heartsong's Crocheted Treasures | The Lost Fates | Alliance of Heroes | What is RP? | Heartsong's Artistry | Artists of Athens | Real Life Stuff | Modus Operandi

Most of these links are no longer active, but I wanted to archive them, so they are not forgotten.

I would like to extend a very special THANK YOU to Chartis Geografikos who had a lot of the information I used collected but just never got around to building a website.  Without their help I would have never been able to get it up and running.

Some of my favorite links!

Scheherazade's Domain

Asantewaa's Site

Westly's Realm

For some free-style RP fun based on our AoH characters....

Ty's Gallery

White Amazon



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To contact me to add information to the site or to have me write a song or story for you, click here. Any information I put up on the site from you will have a thank you at the bottom of the page to give you credit.

If the above link isn't working, you can e-mail me at signlanguagelady@hotmail.com or through AIM, my SN is Kyrilyn.