To see what skills you have, type SKILLS and you will get this:
You may look at your skills in any of the following categories: SKILLS COMBAT - Weapon and brawling skills SKILLS
PHYSICAL - Health, armor, and acrobatic skills SKILLS ALCHEMY - Alchemy skills SKILLS MAGIC - Ritual magic skills SKILLS
ART - Skills related to performance, the arts, and academics SKILLS MECHANICAL - Gadgets, locks, traps, and weapon maintenance. SKILLS
SURVIVAL - Outdoor and survival skills SKILLS CORE - Your primary, secondary, and tertiary skills. SKILLS PRIME
- Your four primary skills SKILLS SECONDARY - Your two secondary skills SKILLS TERTIARY - Your four tertiary skills SKILLS
ALL - All skills
To see your stats you need to type INFO. You will also get information on your mindstate (if you are learning and
how fast, your fame and your armor burden).